Getting Used To Spicy Foods...

Jimmy Clayton

New member
Feb 26, 2008
So, if there is a question that fits in the "Shooting The Shit" section of WF, this is it...

How long does it take for your stomach/digestive system to get used to spicy foods?

Basically, I have never eaten any spicy foods in my life. (Chunks of Jalapenos on pizza and sandwiches once in a while, that's it.)

But, 5 days ago, I decided I want to get my body used to peppers/chillis/hot foods in general.

So, I bought a bunch of Jalapenos and have been eating 3 or 4 per day (seeds and the white shit inside included) in my food. (Beef and eggs)

I have been quite literally "shooting the shit" since then.

When can I expect this to end? Or does this always happen to even the most experienced spicy food eater.

Any knowledge, personal experience, or advice would be appreciated.


I'm guessing if you steadily acclimate with real food it might help, like eat spicy Indian or Chinese or Thai food to get used to it.

Stuffing yourself full of japalepenos seems like a painful way to do this.
But, this "action" will eventually go away, right?

I mean, I am enjoying eating the peppers, just not the after effects.
There's a huge difference between a small concentrated dose of spiciness like jalapeno peppers and less intense but distributed spiciness as you'd see in a spicy curry dish.

I'd recommend getting used to the latter first. I can't really eat green chilli peppers but I can eat spicy curries or chinese food.
You should try different types of spicy food instead. Eat yogurt if something is too spicy for you. Also you could consider toughing out the pain of the spiciness; you will get an endorphin rush.

You'll build a tolerance towards spicy food. Spicy food is actually good for the digestive system if you eat it long term because it actually builds you stomach's resistance towards forming ulcers. Chili peppers are good for your body and full of antioxidants.

Try Blair's hot sauces. I'm a fan of their Sudden Death sauce. Sichuan food is my spicy food of choice.
OP - it takes a while. i eat roughly a jar of hot jalapenos a week, in my morning eggs, on my afternoon sandwiches, i just pile them in... and eventually you get used to it. 2-3 weeks.
If you are doing this for anti inflammatory purposes try garlic powder and tobasco sauce, both are cheap, very high anti inflame, and can go on a lot of stuff.
Oh in that case here's your hot:


You see the one with the black label? That is the sauce you pile onto your 'snack' when you get home absolutely cunted and think it's a good idea to 'make some spicy food'.

You only remember doing so the next morning when your guts and arse remind you in no uncertain terms. ;)
Jalapenos aren't really that hot. Habaneros are a big step up in heat. What you can do is get some of the gourmet sauce like the ones that are posted above- the kind that has chunks of pepper in it. Use it to cook with almost every day, it will take some of the bite out of it. After a few months, you will be looking for something hotter.

You may just not be built for eating peppers whole, though. If it gets stuck in your intestines, it could cause problems.

[ame=]Trinidad Scorpion Moruga aka the Hottest Pepper on Earth - Why Would You Eat That? - YouTube[/ame]
Oh in that case here's your hot:


You see the one with the black label? That is the sauce you pile onto your 'snack' when you get home absolutely cunted and think it's a good idea to 'make some spicy food'.

You only remember doing so the next morning when your guts and arse remind you in no uncertain terms. ;)

Have you had their Insanity Salsa? No joke, that shit is not salsa but a jar of hot sauce.

Anyways, OP, good luck man. I started my journey in to hot food years ago, but ass still burns the next day. If you ask me, that's how you know you did it right. I use to be someone whom shied away from the stuff, but it's so good once you get use to it, it's pretty much addicting.