[Getting off my ass] Clicksor good for purchasing Arbitrage traffic?

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I agree that getting the cheapest clicks you can and making up for it by volume is a good strategy. With that in mind, can you get the most volume possible on smaller ppcse other than the big 3 Google,MSN,Yahoo?

I start all of my arbitrage campaigns on Google because they have the most volume. I'm mainly looking to get volume so I can get some stats and conversions to study.

Once I find the keywords which are actually getting volume at low prices, I can then move those keywords to the smaller ppcse.

If you go at it the other way around, you really won't get as much volume as possible for the keywords you're targetting.

What are your thoughts (anybody)?

I think Jon is referring more to the volume of arbitrage sites you have. the third tier engines aren't going to give you as much traffic to a specific niche, but if you have a 100 niche sites it pencils out. Also you don't have to target just long tail, so you can get some more volume that way.

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