[Getting off my ass] Clicksor good for purchasing Arbitrage traffic?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Hey guys, I just finised reading a few threads on arbi yesterday, and I've observed that many said to just get off of your ass and do it, so here is the next day and here I am getting off my ass and doing it. However, while I'm working on the sites, I'd like to ask a few questions.

Is Clicksor good for purchasing Arbitrage traffic? The minimum price per click is $.10, and I plan to target automotive niches. I've heard that $.06 is better, but I already have an account at Clicksor (and i'm very anal about my private information, I want as few companies as possible to know about it), and I do not wish to pay with a credit card or debit card; only Paypal (because once again I'm very anal about private information).

Also, is arbitrage against the Google TOS? I read through it today and I found nothing against it ( just got accepted today for it :) ) but I wanted to double check, just in case.

Thanks for the help.

It hasn't been very good for me. 7search has done a lot better conversion wise. I don't think arbi is against googles tos or else most the people on this board wouldn't have an adsense account.
It hasn't been very good for me. 7search has done a lot better conversion wise. I don't think arbi is against googles tos or else most the people on this board wouldn't have an adsense account.

Thank you for the response. I'm not looking for MAX profit, just any profit at all would do fine for now. So overall Clicksor seems to be the middle ground between 7search and then the rest of the CPC people, correct?
There is nothing in Google's terms about arbitrage being against their rules, but they don't really like it, and they've only been verbal about it on a blog and at a conference, but nothing was put into writing about it. I don't think they would go that route either, because a lot of the traffic they generate from those ads turns out to be pretty good, and a lot of MFA pages are made a lot better, cleaner, nicer and packed with better content than sites that just stick ads up for the hell of it. That's my opinion too by the way.

For arbitrage, you can use any engine you want, but I would recommend finding the cheapest places and using those. Why pay $0.10 a click, when you can get it for a penny a click elsewhere? All you are trying to do is play a volume game here. Getting lots of traffic to your site just for the sake of clicking on your ads and sending them off to where they would be better off at. You have nothing to sell, no leads, no newsletters, nothing but some content and the ads. Your goal is to get them to click on those ads, without being intrusive about it. Once they click, you shouldn't give a rat's ass what happens to them or where they go after that. If you do, then you are not going to be a good ppc arbitrager.

When people come to our sites, all I want them to do is click the ads and leave. I really don't care what else they do. When we buy traffic, I want the cheapest ppc traffic out there (US/Canada based only). As long as they click the ads, again, don't know and don't care what happens after or before that. It's the same traffic, paying 10cents for a click vs paying a penny a click. Just the penny a click gives you the advantage that you get 100 clicks for every $1 spent versus the 10 clicks for every $1 you spend with the other place, and in turn, your profit margins and ratio jumps to a lot more.
I would definately recommend 7search. I have a niche site based on an automotive theme and get pretty good traffic out of it, a lot of which is less than 6c.

I think you may need to get out of your 'private info' problem if you want to make money from arbitrage.
If you want to use paypal you can always get their free debit card and use that for your arbitrage.
Thanks everybody for your imput. I've just finished the site, and I've got the adsense in and everything. I'm going to purchase $10 worth of traffic from Clicksor @ $.10 per click. If anything happens, I'll post a thread about it. Thanks for the help.
If you want to use paypal you can always get their free debit card and use that for your arbitrage.

That is actually not a bad idea. One good thing about the paypal debit card is you can't overdraw it either... so if you don't have the funds you don't go negative or ring up bank fees, it just doesn't go through.

Of course you have to give paypal a lot of information to get the card, and if he has not done it yet... I kind of agree you need to get over your information fear. If you are simply looking to pay and get paid via paypal your field is going to be extremely limited. You have to learn to be extremely flexible. As Jon mentioned it is a numbers game. Every time you limit your ability to use a company because of your security concerns you limit your ability to make money.
That is actually not a bad idea. One good thing about the paypal debit card is you can't overdraw it either... so if you don't have the funds you don't go negative or ring up bank fees, it just doesn't go through.

Of course you have to give paypal a lot of information to get the card, and if he has not done it yet... I kind of agree you need to get over your information fear. If you are simply looking to pay and get paid via paypal your field is going to be extremely limited. You have to learn to be extremely flexible. As Jon mentioned it is a numbers game. Every time you limit your ability to use a company because of your security concerns you limit your ability to make money.

Yeah you do have to give them a lot of information, but they have a shitload of your information anyways.

7search seems to be pretty safe since you have to call and confirm your credit card before they will take your money. I think it's funny that a little company like that is more concerned about credit card fraud than the big ones.
if you want a prepay card go to netspend.com - i use them for most online stuff cause there is nothing that gets back to your bank etc. you can go to a ace cash america or money box to pick one up or do it online,
7search seems to be pretty safe since you have to call and confirm your credit card before they will take your money. I think it's funny that a little company like that is more concerned about credit card fraud than the big ones.

On the sign-up page it says: "We must be able to reach you directly at this phone number". Do you call them or do they call you?

I'm thinking about doing some arbi, but I don't feel like sitting around waiting for a phone call.
On the sign-up page it says: "We must be able to reach you directly at this phone number". Do you call them or do they call you?

I'm thinking about doing some arbi, but I don't feel like sitting around waiting for a phone call.

When I signed up with them I got a call within an hour - and i'm in the UK.
Thanks everybody for your imput. I've just finished the site, and I've got the adsense in and everything. I'm going to purchase $10 worth of traffic from Clicksor @ $.10 per click. If anything happens, I'll post a thread about it. Thanks for the help.

Any stats jet? Are you getting any traffic from Cliksor?
Whats the reason you want US/Canada only? Better conversion?

Wouldn't they be the ones who would actually buy stuff and definitely know english? I guess UK would count too? Those are the three countries I'm usually fine with.
Any stats jet? Are you getting any traffic from Cliksor?

None yet, Clicksor is taking awhile to get my campaign set up. We ran into a few problems. I hope to have my campaign running by tommorrow.
Reply to Jon's post

I agree that getting the cheapest clicks you can and making up for it by volume is a good strategy. With that in mind, can you get the most volume possible on smaller ppcse other than the big 3 Google,MSN,Yahoo?

I start all of my arbitrage campaigns on Google because they have the most volume. I'm mainly looking to get volume so I can get some stats and conversions to study.

Once I find the keywords which are actually getting volume at low prices, I can then move those keywords to the smaller ppcse.

If you go at it the other way around, you really won't get as much volume as possible for the keywords you're targetting.

What are your thoughts (anybody)?
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