Getting into the EPN


New member
May 28, 2009
I am having a LOT of trouble getting into the Ebay Partner network.

I read the stickied post above regarding the Auction2Post plugin -and also read the thread mentioned within there about various tricks to use to get accepted.

So far I've been up against a wall - nothing has worked. I just put in my most recent app - using a full 1000 word description of a blog site I run which is not monetized and has a very professional look/feel - and also said I was a Squidoo lensmaster (refer to the thread about tricks to get accepted).

That one just went in - if that doesn't fly though - who has ideas? I have burned through 4 domains already with decent content (or so I thought).

Did the EPN greatly restrict who they accept lately?

I am having a LOT of trouble getting into the Ebay Partner network.

I read the stickied post above regarding the Auction2Post plugin -and also read the thread mentioned within there about various tricks to use to get accepted.

So far I've been up against a wall - nothing has worked. I just put in my most recent app - using a full 1000 word description of a blog site I run which is not monetized and has a very professional look/feel - and also said I was a Squidoo lensmaster (refer to the thread about tricks to get accepted).

That one just went in - if that doesn't fly though - who has ideas? I have burned through 4 domains already with decent content (or so I thought).

Did the EPN greatly restrict who they accept lately?

Sometimes it can be a bitch to get in since every now and again you hear eBay dropping publishers and locking the doors.

When I first signed the app they sent me the generic were sorry but your not allowed into our elite club email as well, but instead of filling out another app to join all I did was send them an email saying look here this site I'm using is legit.

Actually the site I was using wasen't even fully operational yet and I just described to them where I am planning on taking the site and I got an email back inside of 24 hours from someone saying we looked at what you had to say and your now approved.

Haven't had an issue since.
I'm also having an issue with the logins there actually. I've created several and I have a consistent password creation method I use that is personal. I work in IT and I'd die if I didn't have one - and I KNOW I used the right password.

However, when I try to update an app with the correct UID/PWD I get a "This account is not yet active" message so I can not update. It's rather vexing and leads to me not being able to try to update.

Did you actually just reply to their denial email? I haven't tried that.
The most easiest way would be buying an US/CA EPN account for some 150/100 bucks, they are just not approving new applications since months (that's what I have read on the forums).
Thanks for all that - I'll see how the recent app goes and try replying if I get denied again. And then look for an account for sale :)
you can't have ANY obfuscation in your online profile with them... unlike their QCP algorithm.

get a domain without private registration, have contact info on website that is the same as the whois, slap it on some stupid shared hosting if you don't want your other stuff to be connected to you. the more transparent the better.
Replying to the denial email no longer works. It is automatically rejected.

I really hope they don't think they can win THAT easy :)
Tried to get into this with no luck as well. How exactly did you guys reply to their denial email? My denial email was sent from a noreply address (I tried anyway and the email bounced back). Any other ways of getting in touch with them?
Those accounts are about 300-500 (or higher) now. Since they've made it much more difficult to sell accounts (application domain needs to run auctions)

If someone knows different please let me know. I just lost a bunch of mine and am in the market for new ones.
Those accounts are about 300-500 (or higher) now. Since they've made it much more difficult to sell accounts (application domain needs to run auctions)

If someone knows different please let me know. I just lost a bunch of mine and am in the market for new ones.

About how many active accounts do you try and keep on hand?
My denial email was sent from a noreply address (I tried anyway and the email bounced back).

Sig material...You just can't help but laugh at that.

note: epn is an extremely tough program to get clear cache, cookies, lso's, dom storage, sessions, ua's, change ip and like an above poster said make sure there is no whois protection. even with everything going for the applicant one still needs to cross his/her fingers.
Sig material...You just can't help but laugh at that.

note: epn is an extremely tough program to get clear cache, cookies, lso's, dom storage, sessions, ua's, change ip and like an above poster said make sure there is no whois protection. even with everything going for the applicant one still needs to cross his/her fingers.

Yeah, yeah, I assumed it was going to bounce, but it didn't hurt to try. I've seen several people say that they responded to the denial email or got in touch with EPN in some way, but I can't find any contact info anywhere.

That no whois protection thing is so not cool...
I got in twice. The first time in '06 but I lost the account info, so didn't really use the account. The second time I applied I got in after waiting about 2 weeks for the approval, and it's funny because I didn't have a relevant site a the time for selling their merch. A friend with a very relevant site to promote eBay was refused.

The only thing I can think of to explain this phenomenon is they may have looked at my feedback as a buyer and seller. Almost 900 feedbacks, 100% positive, may have helped them decide that they want me in the network. I have no idea.
I've just recently got in. Took approximately a week for the application to go through.

So don't know whether I lucked out but this is the way I done it.

I'm new to IM so didn't have any sites that were established with decent content. Just basically a few shit WP sites that I jacked up. So I knew having read around that the best chance to get through was to have a site that was established (+18months old) was in a niche that was not overly saturated on Ebay and had not (or at the time of application) been monetised.

I just kept a look out on the forums until a site came along that I thought would do the trick.

I bought one for $75 which met the criteria above. The seller wanted $150 first but he was getting no takers so I put in a BIN and he accepted.

I then extended the domain registration for another year and updated the WHOIS so it was completely transparent with the same details as my application, i waited until WHOIS was updated, put some fresh content on there and then put in the application.

I also made sure that the business details on the application were as clear and concise as possible (ie) How old the site was, how many visitors, PV's etc. I then elaborated on what visitors do on the site and what they are looking for. I also explained how I market the site and why ebay listings would compliment my site etc etc....

A week later I had been approved. Cost me $85 in total and a hour or two of work. IMO wasn't too bad considering that I'm relatively new.

I understand that this may not work for everyone trying to get in but it worked for me and something to consider.

Ive now got radio's A2P plugin which is awesome and with the help of SEO Mikes thread starting to throw some sites out there. Hopefully in a few weeks time I'll start making that $85 back! LOL.
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