Getting In The Mortgage Vertical

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New member
Dec 27, 2006
South Beach
What do you guys think of the mortgage niche right about now? I've been looking at it for a while, but I think I should just bite the bullet and jump in and see how it goes for a while.

Do you guys who mortgage stuff do white label sites and then sell the leads to a few different companies or do you just send all your leads to 1 company, say LendingTree through a network like Azoogle?

your not going to get much help because its so hard and cometitive. if i were you, i would learn loans and generate your own cherry leads and make $5,000 a deal instead of $20 a lead. there is no way you can compete with the big boys like lowermybills and affiliates like Jon that runs this forum. they will eat your efforts a live with money they use to wipe their asses with . that said you can go after low hanging fruit and niche mortgages. thats what i do
Or learn how to rank in search engines to get free traffic.. NO need to pay adwords when you can get free google traffic.
your not going to get much help because its so hard and cometitive. if i were you, i would learn loans and generate your own cherry leads and make $5,000 a deal instead of $20 a lead. there is no way you can compete with the big boys like lowermybills and affiliates like Jon that runs this forum. they will eat your efforts a live with money they use to wipe their asses with . that said you can go after low hanging fruit and niche mortgages. thats what i do

What are cherry leads?
cherry leads are like the best pussy you ever had. you ever popped a hot chicks cherry? well thats cherry leads. they are the best motherfucken leads your penis will ever feel. only yours to drill all night to some barry white and get blue balls. then you bust your nut and she gets pregnant.

they are exclusive (yours only), direct (from you to you), and they convert because cherry leads make babies easy.:D

What are cherry leads?
cherry leads are like the best pussy you ever had. you ever popped a hot chicks cherry? well thats cherry leads. they are the best motherfucken leads your penis will ever feel. only yours to drill all night to some barry white and get blue balls. then you bust your nut and she gets pregnant.

they are exclusive (yours only), direct (from you to you), and they convert because cherry leads make babies easy.:D

ok well I'm female. Couldn't you come up with something better
There's plenty of cash to be made with mortgage leads & adcenter. Depends on how you tackle it.

Quick Tip: Always capture the customers data at your end then pass it through to the Mortgage Leads site. You'll need permission from them to do this. Means you'll have a database of hot leads for future promotions :)
LOL - I'm female too. Nice to see another tough woman here. In my experience, guys who talk about it the most, do it the least. Though I would say if BYA ever quits affiliate marketing, he could get a job writing erotic fiction!

:female: Maybe we need to put these by our nicknames.

Anyway, I also work with financial services leads (not mortgages), and it is another of those niches that everybody says is too competitive. The advantage I had - is I was actually licensed to work in that area before I decided I was happier generating leads to sell to other people to work.

I started out (as BYA suggests) generating leads to work myself. However, when I woke up one morning and decided I was just going to generate leads to sell - I began to make more money. It also expanded the area I could generate leads for - ie. not just my local area. So I concentrated on the gazillion things you have to do to generate leads, and let somebody else worry about closing the deal.

Anyay, as BYA says - I would try to find a niche, problem, tender spot...etc. and work on that. Put yourself in a surfer's shoes and ask why somebody would go online to look for a mortgage. Do they have a problem getting a loan, or is the old loan too expensive, etc? Lurking around forums is a good way to pick brains.

I already started with some free search traffic because I had business websites, so that gave me some advantages of free conversions and keyword tips from my logs.

Then I just obsessed over my paid campaigns until I got keyords to work (plus read advice on ppc), adjusted landing pages until they converted, did seo work....etc.... and I still do that every day. I cannot tell you how to make a million dollar because I don't know that. I can tell you I keep the lights on.

LOL - now maybe will get some more erotic fiction. :sleep:
Yeah, all these men talking about pussy this, pussy about some chick talk for a change? Like my favorite:

"men make it, we take it" fellas

Anyway, have you considered doing mortgage leads abroad? I realized there are alot of cheap keywords in other English speaking countries (ex. canada) but alot of American companies go there....Australia, UK, NZ,'s all wide open....
It's funny that I break out my erotic posts and the ladies come out from behind ummmmm from wherever they are.

Sorry again ladies. I am a gentleman, I just had a few beers and made a post utilizing the free speech we have here. I hardly ever get girls so your right and I already have .99 cent copies of erotic NON-FICTION ebooks you can buy.

Doing it Dirty by the Wicked Fire
Gotta Wicked Fire in My Crotch
Wicked Fire Girls Gone Wild
BYA Does the Affiliate Summit Doggy Style
BYA Wrestles Shawn Collins Naked at the Summit

so check it out ladies, you wont be disappointed!

But I would have to highly disagree with making more money with leads. If I can make $5,000 off of my own exclucive lead and you can make $20 selling it, who is making more money? Exactly. Plus I just take the app and forward to my team who handles all the bullshit. Total time maybe 20-30 minutes for $5,000. They don't qualify for a home loan, now they are a debt consol lead or credit card, cash advance.

Ok everything else from bitdawg I agree. Now I'm off to write more erotic fiction and sell $20 leads:sleep: NOT!

LOL - I'm female too. Nice to see another tough woman here. In my experience, guys who talk about it the most, do it the least. Though I would say if BYA ever quits affiliate marketing, he could get a job writing erotic fiction!

:female: Maybe we need to put these by our nicknames.

Anyway, I also work with financial services leads (not mortgages), and it is another of those niches that everybody says is too competitive. The advantage I had - is I was actually licensed to work in that area before I decided I was happier generating leads to sell to other people to work.

I started out (as BYA suggests) generating leads to work myself. However, when I woke up one morning and decided I was just going to generate leads to sell - I began to make more money. It also expanded the area I could generate leads for - ie. not just my local area. So I concentrated on the gazillion things you have to do to generate leads, and let somebody else worry about closing the deal.

Anyay, as BYA says - I would try to find a niche, problem, tender spot...etc. and work on that. Put yourself in a surfer's shoes and ask why somebody would go online to look for a mortgage. Do they have a problem getting a loan, or is the old loan too expensive, etc? Lurking around forums is a good way to pick brains.

I already started with some free search traffic because I had business websites, so that gave me some advantages of free conversions and keyword tips from my logs.

Then I just obsessed over my paid campaigns until I got keyords to work (plus read advice on ppc), adjusted landing pages until they converted, did seo work....etc.... and I still do that every day. I cannot tell you how to make a million dollar because I don't know that. I can tell you I keep the lights on.

LOL - now maybe will get some more erotic fiction. :sleep:
It's funny that I break out my erotic posts and the ladies come out from behind ummmmm from wherever they are.

But I would have to highly disagree with making more money with leads. If I can make $5,000 off of my own exclucive lead and you can make $20 selling it, who is making more money? Exactly. Plus I just take the app and forward to my team who handles all the bullshit. Total time maybe 20-30 minutes for $5,000. They don't qualify for a home loan, now they are a debt consol lead or credit card, cash advance.

Ok everything else from bitdawg I agree. Now I'm off to write more erotic fiction and sell $20 leads:sleep: NOT!

LOL - OK BYA - I think you are a good marketer. Even ticking people off gets them to stick their heads up (in this case women), then you make amends later. :rasta:
Hmmm...ok so right when I want to start messing with mortgage leads, LendingTree pulls their offer from Azoogle. I see CJ has a lot of offers, but I've heard such bad things about going through them for mortgage stuff.

What networks do you guys suggest for selling mortgage leads?
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