Get Shit Done Mindset - Your Best Quotes

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Scary quotes


This is going to sound stupid, but lately I've been getting my motivation from my 9 month old.

The boy is constantly falling, slipping, wiping out and does that stop him? Nope, he just gets up and goes at it again and he may have even learned how to fall a little more softly in the process. Another thing he does is he sees something across the room, puts his head down (he's still crawling) and books it across the room in record time. It always makes me a little nervous because he's not really looking ahead (he's just barreling down on that object of desire.) But most of the time he gets there without smacking into any walls and if he does he just kinda looks around, reassess the situation, finds the object again and barrels down on it until he gets there.

So if a 9 month old never gets too frustrated to quit, why the hell would I?
Ha ha may sound stupid to anyone without a child, but as someone who just had my first, I can say it changes your perspective on a lot of things overnight. I love your example!
"Every morning in Africa, a gazelle wakes up. It knows it must run faster than the fastest lion... or... it will be killed.

"Every morning a lion wakes up. It knows it must outrun the slowest gazelle... or... it will starve to death.

"It doesn't matter whether you are a gazelle or a lion, when the sun comes up... you better be running."
You're The Best...Fight For The Dream....

This get's me hyped and makes me think of my older bro:
[ame=""]YouTube - Joe Esposito - You're the Best Around[/ame]

(RIP Walt...Te Amo 1961-2008)
"Learning is finding out what you already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers."

Richard Bach
+1 to turbo and jlknauff

Kids are inherently fearless optimists in a world where everything is magic before we fuck them up with harnesses, padding, three basic colour schemes and the hypno-vision. Over and above the "inspiring imperative" that comes from the bills of having kids, just being around them is massively inspiring.

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