Get Out Of The Black community - That is all

ugh...too bad that guy beat the girls sobad in the mcdonalds video.
he could have gotten away with a couple slaps.
but when you whip someone with a metal
you are going to jail

Dumb bitch

Clerk: "I am african american, too. My parents are from Africa."
Bitch "That's not what that means!"


mcdonalds charges for water now? I used to go through the drive through and get some water for free.
He's facing felony charges and they get some "minor charges as well."

Those bitches attacked that guy and he defends himself and gets charged? What in god's holy fuck is wrong with our justice system.

All he had to do was stop once they were huddled on the floor. Instead he hit them whenever they said something. That's the difference between self-defense and assault - restraint.
Their viewers upload the shit themselves for attention. WSHH just filters em out and chooses the best ones.

the thing I don't understand is why aren't black people embarrassed by this kind of shit? I mean I'm not embarrassed when I see white racist trash talking all of their ignorant shit, but I'm certainly not proud of it either or going to go out of my way to glorify it like WSHH does.
This is where democracy gets you, that sheboon actually has a vote, shoking. We should go back to the old days where you need to own land to vote.
I love her tone of voice at 3:39

"since U so fuckin smurt and U no mothafuckin fuckin errething and think black people jus cunt OWN shit!
I wish I could go through life defaulting to the "Im a victim" speech as my excuse for everything
Any one notice how she said her 104 year old granny was a slave? In which country? America abolished slavery before granny was born.......

Today's real slaves are the tax payers that have to support these people. And guess what? Decent black people look down on them just as much as white people do.

yeah that's good. His mum's a reptilian though:

Charging for water is perfectly legit I used to own a restraunt in a mall and always had dead beat trash lookin for a free cup of water or some old fart needin to take there pills. Nobody realizes how much that cup lid and straw costs let alone the municipal water. If you give 20 cups a day at say .20 each all costs including rent and labor your lookin at $1500 a year pissed away on gerrrs and deadbeats that never spend a nickle with you anyway so fuckem