Get Out Of The Black community - That is all

Self-entitlement: hard work is the enemy and everyone's entitled to someone else's success that had to earn theirs.

Honestly, that video right there is why all these government programs to give people money that haven't done anything to earn it (like welfare) need to be scrapped.

It's just too bad all the politicians need those sheeple to be elected.
Christ, she could suffocate a giraffe with the size of those tits.

And too bad cashiers there don't have guns filled with horse tranquilizers. Would have made for a more entertaining video.
...And too bad cashiers there don't have guns filled with horse tranquilizers. Would have made for a more entertaining video.

Concluding with what she was demanding: the gas station being hers after Rev. Sharpton, Rev. Jessie Jackson, NAACP, and the media make her out as a victim while she presses charges and files a lawsuit. Because we all know she was targeted because she was black, not because she was driving away customers and becoming violent.
I bet those dumb bitches will think twice before going off at somebody in the future. Just sayin'

The guy behind the counter had done 10 years for killing a guy in high school. That's the reason I chuckle at the WickedFire ethugs ("Ah'da kicked his ayss for lookin' at me sideways!"). It's as if they've never met a killer before.

On a related note, McD's corporate is probably talking to the franchisee regarding his hiring practices.
The guy behind the counter had done 10 years for killing a guy in high school. That's the reason I chuckle at the WickedFire ethugs ("Ah'da kicked his ayss for lookin' at me sideways!"). It's as if they've never met a killer before.

Yeah, you never know what the other person is capable of. You can get killed over nothing.
The guy behind the counter had done 10 years for killing a guy in high school. That's the reason I chuckle at the WickedFire ethugs ("Ah'da kicked his ayss for lookin' at me sideways!"). It's as if they've never met a killer before.

On a related note, McD's corporate is probably talking to the franchisee regarding his hiring practices.

Id bet 99% of WF has never even been in a real fight in the first place.
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