George Zimmer calls War On Marijuana “Biggest Con Ever Perpetrated”


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May 18, 2011
» Mens Warehouse Calls War On Marijuana

George Zimmer, founder of Men’s Wearhouse recently admitted to be a regular marijuana smoker, and called the plant’s prohibition, “the biggest con ever perpetrated.”

During an interview with CNBC Zimmer sarcastically said, “I’ve been smoking marijuana on a regular basis for about 50 years. As you can see, it’s really impacted me in a negative way.”

Zimmer has even been delivered a speech at the recent Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo in Los Angeles and has gone public with his support for marijuana legalization.

During his speech, Zimmer told the audience that “Everybody in the country knows what the truth here is, except the 535 people we elect to make these decisions in Washington, D.C., It’s astounding.”

He pointed out the insanity of marijuana’s schedule 1 status, which rules that it is just as dangerous as heroin, saying that “It’s treated like it was heroin, everybody’s who is in high school hears that and goes, ‘What are they talking about?’” The emperor’s not wearing any clothes. This is the biggest con that has been perpetrated on this country in the last century.”

Zimmer also mentioned how important it is to be careful about the regulations that the government attempts to put on marijuana once it is finally legalized.

“I think it’s important that we protect limited home cultivation without any government licensing, so whether it’s one plant or 10 plants, I don’t know, but I think that’s very important,” he said.

He also discussed the many issues with taxations involved in the growing marijuana industry.

“There are still a lot of questions that are raised in terms of dispensaries, and the way the IRS does not allow normal business deductions,” he said.

Zimmer broke from Mens Warehouse a few years ago and began starting up and investing in new businesses.

He's right. I guarantee it.

And the bit about "careful about the regulations that the government attempts to put on marijuana", Ohio is a great example.

A group called ResponsibleOhio (fucking bastards) wants to only allow 10 investors to supply the state with Marijuana. 1,100 retail stores will be allowed, but only if each community approves it through a vote.

If you want to grow it at home, you're allowed 4 plants, but only if they approve you after submitting for a license (which I'm sure will cost $).

If you're caught purchasing MJ from anyone other than one of the retail locations, you can go to jail. If you don't like any of the strains they offer in Ohio, and you try buying out of state, you can go to jail.

The whole thing is horse shit, but it made it to the ballot and people will be voting on it here in November.
A group called ResponsibleOhio (fucking bastards) wants to only allow 10 investors to supply the state with Marijuana. 1,100 retail stores will be allowed, but only if each community approves it through a vote.

The whole thing is horse shit, but it made it to the ballot and people will be voting on it here in November.

True Detective Season 3 confirmed.
Who cares if people smoke weed. I haven't for like 10 years but I give no fucks who does(minus a few x) .Gov is a bunch of nancy bitches anymore.
The state fucked us here in WA. They tax it 3x, they broke it down to:

-licensed growers pay tax on what they grow
-processors pay same tax on what they process
-retail pays same tax as other 2 plus sales tax.
-can't have a grower and processor license at same time.
-if bud is ruined, you still pay taxes on what you should have grown/processed as determined by the state based on sq ft.

(There was a micro brew bud+beer company that had a batch of bottles exploding on the shelves across the state and they had to pay taxes on all the shit that exploded)

For more than a decade there was medical marijuana, untaxed, unregulated, 1.5 lbs allowed on your person, no questions asked.

After recreational was legalized and they figured out how much tax money the state can get, they gutted medical mj saying everyone has to buy the highly taxed shit that's commercially grown by large scale licensee's.

Last lb I bought:

Funny thing is Seattle airport is state run (Port authority) and they don't give 2 shits about herb in your carry on as long as it's under the legal limit, which has been 1.5lbs for medical card holders.

I was recently disgusted to learn that there are still people in prison, serving life sentences, for cannabis charges in the 1990's and 80's. Even people with no prior convictions. One guy was first time offender with a joint and got life, many of them have served 20-30+ years already for a plant.
In Nevada you have to track EVERY SEED from beginning to end. As usual, the system was setup by the Big Weed guys who bribed regulators. The tracking and compliance are especially burdensome and the little guys will get booted for tiny mess-ups. Once sales start, it won't be long before only a handful of Big Weed guys remain.
And the bit about "careful about the regulations that the government attempts to put on marijuana", Ohio is a great example.

A group called ResponsibleOhio (fucking bastards) wants to only allow 10 investors to supply the state with Marijuana. 1,100 retail stores will be allowed, but only if each community approves it through a vote.

If you want to grow it at home, you're allowed 4 plants, but only if they approve you after submitting for a license (which I'm sure will cost $).

If you're caught purchasing MJ from anyone other than one of the retail locations, you can go to jail. If you don't like any of the strains they offer in Ohio, and you try buying out of state, you can go to jail.

The whole thing is horse shit, but it made it to the ballot and people will be voting on it here in November.

That's what I was talking about here.

Legalization is a trap.
Where did you read that? Got a link?

No other criminal record? No three strikes felon for unrelated offences? Joe Schmo caught with a single joint and sent to prison for life? Somehow I doubt it.

Looking for it... it was buried in one of the biographies I thought at but can't find it yet. Maybe I was stoned when I read it, there's plenty lifers for tiny amounts (joints) that had 2-3 strikes in either texas, oklahoma, or louisiana...others for coordinating deals between a buyer and seller for under $50 in weed.

The extreme sentences are for people who didn't take a plea deal, many for conspiracy charges despite never having possessed anything.

Honorable mentions:

Chris Diaz
The Texas highway patrol pulled over Diaz for expired plates, searched the car and found 14 grams of weed and hash.

Because of Texas’ harsh hash laws, Diaz faced up to 99 years in prison for intent to sell.

After nine months behind bars, including 111 days in solitary confinement, without mail, phone calls or any human contact whatsoever, his public defender came to offer him a plea deal.

Terrified of a life sentence, Diaz pled no-contest to face three, instead of 99 years, behind bars. He also gave up his right to appeal.

Craig Cesal
Craig was never charged with buying, selling, possessing or using marijuana. But the government claimed the truck repairman knew what Sun Hill Trucking did and help repair (and prepare) the trucks for smuggling.

Craig was was responsible for every ounce of marijuana that Sun Hill Trucking may have touched — whether he saw the pot, profited from it, or even knew it existed.

Mark Young
Investigators uncovered no physical evidence — pot, cash or anything else — linking Young to trafficking. The testimony of co-conspirators cooperating with the government was the only evidence against him. Nonetheless, in 1992, Mark Young was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Young had never been charged with drug dealing, and had no history of violent crime.

John Knock -life sentence for conspiracy, no priors
I was arrested in 1996 and charged with conspiracy. I stood trial in 2000. I was found guilty of three conspiracy charges. It was a dry conspiracy developed by a reverse sting operation. The courts were allowed to charge “perceived” amounts at the time of my trial. I have been incarcerated for 18 years as a result of this conviction.
Where did you read that? Got a link?

No other criminal record? No three strikes felon for unrelated offences? Joe Schmo caught with a single joint and sent to prison for life? Somehow I doubt it.

Yeah I want to see a link too because it sounds like complete horse shit to me.
He's right. I guarantee it.

And the bit about "careful about the regulations that the government attempts to put on marijuana", Ohio is a great example.

A group called ResponsibleOhio (fucking bastards) wants to only allow 10 investors to supply the state with Marijuana. 1,100 retail stores will be allowed, but only if each community approves it through a vote.

If you want to grow it at home, you're allowed 4 plants, but only if they approve you after submitting for a license (which I'm sure will cost $).

If you're caught purchasing MJ from anyone other than one of the retail locations, you can go to jail. If you don't like any of the strains they offer in Ohio, and you try buying out of state, you can go to jail.

The whole thing is horse shit, but it made it to the ballot and people will be voting on it here in November.

I'd vote for that. It doesn't even seem like a bad deal.

To go from marijuana being illegal to this is huge. Greedy stoners.
It's a joke that a few spliffs could land you in the clink, '2 strikes' or not.

I just hope that the movement in NA continues snowballing. Can only have a positive knock-on effect for the rest of the world. Over here stuff has moved backwards in the last 10 years or so, used to be effectively decriminalised, which isn't the case any more. Police treat it as a low priority and our criminal justice system is more relaxed but a criminal record for a plant is fucking ridiculous either way.

Obviously some states have got it better than others. The good thing about trying different strategies is that when it comes to legalisation across the board they will have a better idea of what works / what doesn't and have the data to back it up. I think most young people whether they're smokers or not tend to be pro-legalisation. The only reason a lot of politicians aren't is because their primary voter base consists of older people, that tend to consume conservative media.

Let the legalisation 'experiment' speak for itself and it should become a no-brainer.

(PS. I read the title and thought it was the man who shot the black kid. lol. Glad it's not.. Not sure if that would help the cause!)
I'd vote for that. It doesn't even seem like a bad deal.

To go from marijuana being illegal to this is huge. Greedy stoners.

Greedy stoners? Or is it opportunistic investors who wish to use the state to grant a monopoly and force out competition? That's greed, not consumers who want a free market.

And people will still be put in prison over the stuff if they want to grow and sell on their own, or if they buy from an unofficial source. It's still a "bad deal".
Just to add: Washingtons system doesn't sound great and the idea of tracking seed -> product is NOT feasible at all. What's to stop me popping 100 beans off-site to find a specific pheno & then bring the seedlings back to my licensed grow-site as one of my 'tagged' seeds? Literally nothing.

I'd wager that once the teething problems are out of the way lawmakers will look to the lost tax revenues in more restricted states and find a middle ground between homegrowers and 'big canna'. It's a plant that grows really fucking easily after all. Not to mention that when economy of scale kicks in and supply matches demand, prices will drop.

Case in point: It's very easy to brew your own beer but 99.9% of people still buy it from the supermarket.
Just to add: Washingtons system doesn't sound great and the idea of tracking seed -> product is NOT feasible at all. What's to stop me popping 100 beans off-site to find a specific pheno & then bring the seedlings back to my licensed grow-site as one of my 'tagged' seeds? Literally nothing.

I'd wager that once the teething problems are out of the way lawmakers will look to the lost tax revenues in more restricted states and find a middle ground between homegrowers and 'big canna'. It's a plant that grows really fucking easily after all. Not to mention that when economy of scale kicks in and supply matches demand, prices will drop.

Case in point: It's very easy to brew your own beer but 99.9% of people still buy it from the supermarket.

I'm sure that will happen. However, they're also mandating tracking the seed through the entire production process, so they could pull a joint and ask for the entire chain of production going back to the specific seeds used.
That's what I'm saying tho.. C'est impossible! Even better example would be clones. How could they prove that the ganj I have in my pocket is bootlegged if it's genetically identical to the state-mandated 'super silver lemon haze x og badman blueberry kush #7' strain.. They can't!

State monopoly or not it's going the right way. Trust. Just keep the momentum rolling and everything will fall into place... I don't even smoke any more but still feel pretty passionately about the whole thing.

If you continue to bun up tha herbs, we gonna bun down de kane fields!


Legalise it, don't criticise it!
it won't be long before only a handful of Big Weed guys remain.

Only natural that a few big players would control the market after a while, only naive to think that this industry wouldn't get their big brand store. Like people would pick their mom and pop store and not wal mart just because it's weed.
I hate dopers, but...

Potheads are NOT included in that group- Potheads are strictly good entertainment.

