Genetically Modified Foods Thread

There are also issues with GMO foods and the ecosystem.

Over the course of a growing season, a crop may take X amount of water from the soil; if it's corn, and the corn gets harvested, the water and organic matter in the corn is effectively removed from the local ecosystem. If the corn is eaten by the community, the corn eventually goes back to the local ecosystem when they piss or shit it out. If the corn is trucked away to another part of the world, they're gonna be shitting your corn into their own ecosystem, while you are probably shitting out salt and fat if there's nothing else available to replace it with.

The next season, instead of corn, they grow beans to maintain biodiversity in the material that rots or gets shat back into the ecosystem.

With GMO corn, they can grow :
- bigass corn with high sugar content
- corn every year without crop rotation
- corn that can be sprayed with RoundUp(also made by Monsanto) that kills everything else but the corn.

Then they take the corn and truck it off. We don't really eat the corn though; that's not why they grew it. They use the corn to make ethanol that gets added to gasoline. The mash that is left over
gets sold as cattle feed. With the larger sizes, more water is removed form the local ecosystem.

So now, to get the corn back into the ecosystem, you have to:

- wait for the cow to shit some of it out
- kill the cow and eat it
- drive the hell out of your car, then wait some thousands of years for the exhaust to slowly seep back into the earth.

There are also issues with GMO foods and the ecosystem.

Over the course of a growing season, a crop may take X amount of water from the soil; if it's corn, and the corn gets harvested, the water and organic matter in the corn is effectively removed from the local ecosystem. If the corn is eaten by the community, the corn eventually goes back to the local ecosystem when they piss or shit it out. If the corn is trucked away to another part of the world, they're gonna be shitting your corn into their own ecosystem, while you are probably shitting out salt and fat if there's nothing else available to replace it with.

The next season, instead of corn, they grow beans to maintain biodiversity in the material that rots or gets shat back into the ecosystem.

With GMO corn, they can grow :
- bigass corn with high sugar content
- corn every year without crop rotation
- corn that can be sprayed with RoundUp(also made by Monsanto) that kills everything else but the corn.

Then they take the corn and truck it off. We don't really eat the corn though; that's not why they grew it. They use the corn to make ethanol that gets added to gasoline. The mash that is left over
gets sold as cattle feed. With the larger sizes, more water is removed form the local ecosystem.

So now, to get the corn back into the ecosystem, you have to:

- wait for the cow to shit some of it out
- kill the cow and eat it
- drive the hell out of your car, then wait some thousands of years for the exhaust to slowly seep back into the earth.

[ame=]Did You Know It Was All About The Corn? - YouTube[/ame]
Its really a matter of taste from, my point of view.
If you like fruits to taste like plastic and water...knock yourself out.

Thing is, our life expectancy is growing every year, all over the glob.
100-150 years ago life was way harder even though people ate only natural stuff, peasants worked the land and everything but they hardly got what they needed for a long and healthy life...
SO yeah, we are doing something right as far as I can tell...if you want taste and all that natural bullshit, grow your own shit or spend good cash on getting such products.
Well most GM foods are grown to have great color,size and to last as long as possible. Strawberries I buy from farms here in sweden will usually start to mold in room temperature after 24 hours after I buy them, they last a few days in the fridge. That is always the problem if fruits/berries if they taste really goos so are they usually quite packed with sugar and that makes them go bad really quick as wel..
100-150 years ago life was way harder even though people ate only natural stuff, peasants worked the land and everything but they hardly got what they needed for a long and healthy life...

Yeah but back then people died of bacteriological diseases mainly. (aka viruses)

Today we die of chronic diseases (cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc...) which are caused mainly by our food and lifestyle.

So yeah, we solved one problem and created another one in the process... not sure if we are doing it right.
I've heard the case for GMOs. And I'm not entirely convinced for one reason.

They say genetic modification happens in nature, but the genetic profile of GMOs will inevitably show a cohesive, highly organized and drastic set of genetic modifications that genetic modification in the wild will not show.

You don't see an entire vegetable turned on its head over night. It's very gradual process in nature, and when things go wrong, the impact scale is very small.

But when you mess with it on a grand scale, you get Monsanto, whose genetically modified seed and market monopoly has unfortunately led to the suicide of hundreds if not thousands of Indian farmers after their suppliers were bought out by Monsanto, forcing them to raise crops that literally failed to grow due to inadequate testing, forcing these farmers into bankruptcy in a country that doesn't have any protection for the poor and their families.

Of course, I can't prove any of this beyond a reasonable doubt. That requires a lot of money and research. But I don't think it's unreasonable to be skeptical of GMOs for this reason.

PS- I know I'll incur some wrath from the libertarians here for the way I've narrated the story, and it's not intentional. It's just the way I read about it.
You literally are what you eat. It's a saying that's so easy to disregard and not really think about how true it is. Our genetics our not set in stone, and they interact with all that we consume. Eating genetically modified food absolutely affects us.. to think that it doesn't is such a foreign concept to me. Sure, nobody can say yet what exactly it's affects are going to be, but it's not looking like they're going to be positive in nature. It'd be different if the foods were modified to be more nutrient dense or something like that but they're not. The are modified to be a more profitable product, simple as that. They have longer shelf lives, they're pesticide resistant, and they also serve as a pesticide in and of themselves. They're modified to resist specific chemicals and kill bugs. I could write plenty more but this is like the third time this week I've commented on this topic in a thread.. Eat them if you want, I think they're bad.
Just think about this: there used to be something like 100 varieties of lettuce available in American markets. Now you're lucky if you can find 6 or 7 varieties. Same with tomatoes and a whole shitload of other produce. Buy or trade non hybrid heirloom seeds and preserve your right to grow tasty natural fruit and veg.
Its Truue

What he says is true - i've never had strawberries like I did in France and the juice in Chile I cant even talk about it without tearing up.

I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.
So any of you guys eating those for-fun-GMO foods in your grocer's produce section?

In general, vegetable seed can not be patented; GMO seed can. Plants grown from GMO seed can withstand heavy applications of herbicide. Once GMO seed is planted, farmers have to continue to use it, since conventional seed can't grow in that herbicide laden soil.

Turbo, as someone with kids, you need to do some research. Start by searching for instances of GMO pastures killing livestock.

Monsanto is the debbil.

I really don't care as much about the taste as I do about the unknown health effects. GMO tomatoes for example have been created by grafting on the DNA from cockroaches so that the skins of GMO tomatoes is more resistant to pests and doesn't break as easily. Seriously, wtf!? I know people eat insects around the world but I don't want insects in my damn salads and pizzas. Besides the ick factor, cockroaches are allergy inducing and might have other negative effects.

As for those who say that the public has created this mess by demanding better, cheaper produce I say bullshit! Who in their right minds would demand cockroaches in their veggies? There should be laws passed that force all supermarkets to label any GMO product as GMO.

And instead of taxpayer subsidies for junk like high fructose cancer syrup there should be subsidies for organic veggies. Put an extra tax on any products with HFCS and divert those revenues to organic subsidies. This mess is so easy to fix with a few legislations but nobody is working towards it evidently.
I really don't care as much about the taste as I do about the unknown health effects. GMO tomatoes for example have been created by grafting on the DNA from cockroaches so that the skins of GMO tomatoes is more resistant to pests and doesn't break as easily. Seriously, wtf!? I know people eat insects around the world but I don't want insects in my damn salads and pizzas. Besides the ick factor, cockroaches are allergy inducing and might have other negative effects.

As for those who say that the public has created this mess by demanding better, cheaper produce I say bullshit! Who in their right minds would demand cockroaches in their veggies? There should be laws passed that force all supermarkets to label any GMO product as GMO.

And instead of taxpayer subsidies for junk like high fructose cancer syrup there should be subsidies for organic veggies. Put an extra tax on any products with HFCS and divert those revenues to organic subsidies. This mess is so easy to fix with a few legislations but nobody is working towards it evidently.

Using cockroach DNA =/= BUGZ IN FOODZ

May your jimmies be unrustled.
here's the real question:

why? why would you eat a genetically modified food when you could just eat real food instead? there's no debate about whether real food is healthy for you or not - it just is.

so yeah. do that.
People don't know if they're eating GMO foods most of the time. I suspect there's no law that forces companies to label products as GMO so the only way to know if something isn't GMO is if the law requires labelling them as such. Once again, a failure among legislators. Geez that must have just happened because consumers demanded it to be so.