Genetically Modified Foods Thread


New member
Aug 10, 2007
So all I ever hear is the oh noes and the GMO food is bad mkay? Yet, I never really see anything to show for it either way.

Sometimes it seems like people are just terrified of the potential and the inherent freakishness of it, instead of the actual reality (Much like people were about organ transplants a hundred years ago which were viewed as abominations.)

I have absolutely no opinion on it either way, so I'd like to hear wf's opinion, cause sure as shit you got one.

I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.
I haven't eaten grocery store produce since I discovered a farmers market about 3 miles from my house. Not sure about GMO's but locally grown produce tastes soooo much better. I usually stock up in the summer and freeze it for the winter.
Much ado about nothing.

I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.
That probably has nothing to do with whether it is GMO or not. I'd bet the freshness of the fruit has far more to do with its taste than whether it is GMO or not.
Much ado about nothing.

That probably has nothing to do with whether it is GMO or not. I'd bet the freshness of the fruit has far more to do with its taste than whether it is GMO or not.

Also it has a good chance that it was breeding, which has happened for years, and is not GMO.
This is not a topic I've researched that much so try not to drill me on it but here's some info:

Firstly, Monsanto (who's basically the leader in GMO) is fucking evil. They will sue and try to destroy every farmer until they become the only source of seeds. They have been known to sue farmers who's crops get contaminated by their GMO seeds saying they are using their seeds illegally. This is just a quick Google search I did so you may have to search deeper.

Monsanto vs Schmeiser

TLC Cooking "Monsanto Sues Pennsylvania Farmer for Saving Seeds" (not the same issue but you get a sense of what they're trying to do)

Ooh I found something really interesting, I only skimmed the titles but it looks like there's some good info about the whole thing: Monsanto vs. US Farmers

There's a few other of them being, there's reason to believe some of these GMO crops are killing off bees.

» Study: EPA-approved GMO insecticide responsible for killing off bees, contaminating entire food chain Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

In fact, in many parts of Europe, these have already been banned. Here's an article about one of the more recent bans by Poland. Some notable takeaways:

"The decision comes after thousands of protesters recently took to the streets in demonstration of the undeniable fact that both MON810 and the chemicals applied to it are at least partially responsible for causing Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD), the worldwide phenomenon in which entire swarms of honey bees disappear or turn up dead."

Back in early March, nine European countries -- Belgium, Great Britain, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Ireland, and Slovakia -- successfully blocked an effort by the Danish EU presidency to allow expanded cultivation of GM crops in Europe. And around that same time, France imposed its own ban on MON810.

And thirdly, GMO crops haven't been around long enough to know if they are truly safe to eat. Think of it like smoking cigarettes...50 years ago it was cool and hip and no one thought twice that it would cause lung cancer amongst other things.

And here's some more: 8 Reasons GMOs are Bad for You | Foodie Buzz
[ame=""]Squidbillies: The Ultimate Party Platter - YouTube[/ame]

big-Ag profits > public health
I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.

Much ado about nothing.

That probably has nothing to do with whether it is GMO or not. I'd bet the freshness of the fruit has far more to do with its taste than whether it is GMO or not.

Yeah, a similar thing happened with Tomatoes: Breeding tomatoes for best colour ruins taste - Telegraph
I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.

You nailed it brotha.

If you stay in the U.S./Canada all your life, you will NEVER know what good produce should taste like. Even the "Organic" fruits & veggies we have here taste like nothing. I don't get it, the whole concept of "organic" is just a big sad joke. USDA Organic my ass. It started like a good idea but it just quickly turned into a business where money > mission.

Actually I once THOUGHT our produce had flavor. I was pretty content all my life eating organic veggies and being all proud about it, until I went to China. First time I had a tomato in China I almost had an orgasm. It was sweeter than our strawberries. Their green pepper? It's got so much flavor you can smell it from 12 feet away.

Here you walk into the produce aisle of any supermarket and you can't smell anything. Every single fruit & vegetable is shaped perfectly but has no flavor. Everything is basically dead. Even bugs aren't interested in our fruits. I remember when I was in France we had to rinse our lettuce thoroughly because there was always a chance to find some kind of bug. Bug = sign of life.
It's our fault though, for decades we demanded perfectly shaped, bugless and oversized fruits & vegetables. Just like we wanted our women to have big tits and our TV screens to be a million inches.

The industry naturally responded. They gave us perfectly round red apples and big-ass strawberries. They also made sure no bug could ever survive the chemicals because that would surely turn off the American consumer. Now it's only in the recent years that we started to realize that shit is wrong and needs to change, people are buying more from local farms and some are even growing their own shit... hopefully this will trigger a big change in the industry in the next few years...
It really has nothing to do with size or flavor, that's a whole other issue really...shitty size and flavour just means you're probably shopping at the wrong place for your produce. Shop around, stop buying produce from places that don't provide quality, like with any other product.
I once ate a strawberry in Amerca. It tasted like I thought a strawberry should taste. Then I took a trip to europe and found myself on a small farm, where they grew strawberries from natural seeds. It taste delicious. Then I came back to America, and attempted to find a strawberry that tasted like that, I haven't been able to. All the fruits in America taste like water. GMO, from the seeds, and on up modified the tastes. So you have to wonder, what nutritional aspects have been modified as well?

Take a trip anywhere outside of the USA, and eat natural food, fruits, vegtables, the craziest things that everyone hates, all taste better.

Even the Alcohol tastes better since most companies send the crappy stuff to USA. You don't even have to go far, to find the difference.

I dono man. I get strawberries from my local farmers market and they are fucking great, 10x better than the ones at any grocery store. What pisses me off though is when at the farmers market, you can hear people be like, "What $5 for a small container of strawberries?". Yeah, they probably cost 2-3x as much but they are way better. It's just the way we work. People want a reasonable product at a reasonable price. As with anything it's normally the more quality it is, the more it is. If people (generally) wanted quality food, McDonnalds wouldn't be as popular as it is. But again, America has spoken and until the masses change their mind and force corporations to change to capture the almighty dollar, nothing is going to change. I'm personally a foodie, and I have no issue paying for the good stuff. These other fuckers don't know what they are missing.
It's our fault though, for decades we demanded perfectly shaped, bugless and oversized fruits & vegetables. Just like we wanted our women to have big tits and our TV screens to be a million inches.

The industry naturally responded. They gave us perfectly round red apples and big-ass strawberries. They also made sure no bug could ever survive the chemicals because that would surely turn off the American consumer. Now it's only in the recent years that we started to realize that shit is wrong and needs to change, people are buying more from local farms and some are even growing their own shit... hopefully this will trigger a big change in the industry in the next few years...

How do you figure it's OUR fault?

No one wrote letters to Monsanto telling them to make our veggies bigger. This was all done out of greed.
How do you figure it's OUR fault?

No one wrote letters to Monsanto telling them to make our veggies bigger. This was all done out of greed.

Well greed, and consumer choice. There are many documentaries that show how much food we waste. If it doesn't look good, people don't buy it. Nice big, perfect looking veggies are what the general populace want. I guarantee you if you put the two side by side, the general consumer will buy the bigger prettier one more often than not. I'm not trying to say what they are doing is right, I'm just saying they are doing what the American consumer (generally speaking) wants them to do.