girl = # town x 1000000

Hitler was homosexual, he only had an aversion to effeminate gays. Most of his "Storm Troopers" were also Homosexual Sadists recruited because they knew no limits to their barbarity.

As for Neo-Nazi's , White Separatists , Skin Heads et al... Just a bunch of scared twats with low self esteem out to blame their failures and shortcomings on others. A sad cliche really.

Maybe between memorizing "The Turner Diaries" Dresden can get some fapping in now that SC has posted the stills from the commercial.

naahhh, he filtered out the homo's in the night of the long knives. No need for homosexuality in that elite circle. As for your theory on "us", well what would you classify people whom were the opposite of what we believe in; "normal"? If it wasn't for that race (which I think was on ancient aliens because they were so dam precise and labeled as cheaters because of the advanced knowledge they had), we wouldn't have gone to the moon, have the societies we have today, etc. Remember; it's a third world country and people don't wanna live amongst those people "for a reason". So yeah; haters gonna hate right?