girl = # town x 1000000


Haters gonna H88
Sep 24, 2010
Los Angeles, CA
Chick keeps coming on tv trying to get me to sell my apple shit. Sooooooooooooooooooooo fucking hot. I'd take that girl to # town like 100 times a day if i could. Just sayin..

Tried lookin for a pic, couldnt find one. Anyone seeing these commercials?


Hey negro. You're claiming Los Angeles but I hear you live in hickville riverside you white trash piece of shit.
He could never live in actual LA. Too many minorities for him, a Hispanic mayor? Hell nah.
Hey negro. You're claiming Los Angeles but I hear you live in hickville riverside you white trash piece of shit.

Hey fuck you nigger. Come here just to troll the thread or what? I have a home in both los angeles (yes, filled with wabs), hawaii (filled with japs) and in Palm Springs (filled with old, and homosexuals). I'd rather shoot myself in the head before I moved to some piece of shit town like riverside. So if someones showin you my ip, it's when im @ my palm springs pad or gsm. So in short, you could go fuck yourself. 88
this shit right here is hot

What the fuck is going on in this thread.

Does WF have privacy issues? Leaked IP addresses? WTF???
Makes sense if you think about it, see the resemblance?


Hitler was homosexual, he only had an aversion to effeminate gays. Most of his "Storm Troopers" were also Homosexual Sadists recruited because they knew no limits to their barbarity.

As for Neo-Nazi's , White Separatists , Skin Heads et al... Just a bunch of scared twats with low self esteem out to blame their failures and shortcomings on others. A sad cliche really.

Maybe between memorizing "The Turner Diaries" Dresden can get some fapping in now that SC has posted the stills from the commercial.