Gabriela Isler, Miss Venezuela is Miss Universe 2013


Level 3
Dec 2, 2012


Considering she had a professional make-up artist work on her face for 3+ hours, I'm not that impressed. I see chicks as hot as her around town. Beauty pageants are retarded.

Dunno why, but she's just really, really plain-looking to me. Just doesn't seem like there's anything unique about her look; it's almost that generic brunette celeb look. Probably wouldn't hurt her to gain 5-10lbs, too.
Nah, bro. Someone needs to make that girl a sandwich.

I'm pretty sure you're problem is not with how she looks, but rather what she's NOT doing, such as being stretched over a cone whilst being electrocuted, drowned, and trampled by an amputee midget in heels painted up like a zombie dressed as a nun that has a snake crawling out of it's hoo-haw and shooting goldfish and a gallon of milk across the room into a tarp filled with a ton of octopii.

"Go to LA, throw a rock, and you'll hit a girl just like her."

So true #Nolie. Plus she might even swallow wat.
[ame=]The Bar-Kays - She Talks To Me With Her Body (Funk) - YouTube[/ame]
I'm pretty sure you're problem is not with how she looks, but rather what she's NOT doing, such as being stretched over a cone whilst being electrocuted, drowned, and trampled by an amputee midget in heels painted up like a zombie dressed as a nun that has a snake crawling out of it's hoo-haw and shooting goldfish and a gallon of milk across the room into a tarp filled with a ton of octopii.


QFT. Fucking porn damaging us.
The super-skinny look just doesn't work for me. Mrs. Universe's bone structure clearly shows she's underweight for the sake of the competition. That's not very appealing, imo.

Much better is:

Marilyn Monroe:

No idea who this chick is, but good lord:

Kate Upton:

Women should look like women, not media-propelled stick figures.