Fucking Idiots - What Wordtracker's Question Tool Can Show...

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Haha this first one is for you, Shady.






One of my darlings swallowed a penny. I went right to Google to figure out if I needed to take her to the emergency room, or if we could just wait for it to pass.

Answer: New pennies are made with zinc, which can cause life threatening esophageal ulcers if it gets lodged there. Off to the emergency room for x-rays we went.

marfarma: Ok... my question is why you'd go to Google instead of just calling your doctor or your emergency services, or maybe even just go straight to the hospital?

Fundamentally, I didn't feel this was an emergency. I had a healthy but embarrassed child on my hands. My initial thought, as Dr. Mom, was just to wait and watch. But I wanted a second opinion.

1) It was faster to check Google, than to wait 20 minutes until the doctor's answering service paged the doctor, the doctor called the service back, got my details, and then finally called me back.

2) If the emergency room doctors were only going to send me home with instructions to keep an eye on her, and wait for it to pass naturally, I didn't need to spend four to six hours in the waiting room waiting to be called back to the ER proper, then waiting for the ER doctor to examine her, then waiting for the x-ray tech, then waiting for the radiologist, and then waiting for the ER doctor to come and tell me the obvious -- all the while having to entertain a bored child who isn't allowed to touch anything. (Never mind the $50 co-pay.)

3) Emergency services? You mean the ambulance? Another $50 co-pay and they'd just take us to the Emergency Room, where we'd have the experience I just described, plus cab fare home, because I didn't have my car. It's much easier to drive her myself.
I want a hippopatamus for Christmas is actually a cute little Christmas song that's sung by an adult woman I believe pretending like she's a little girl. I heard it once this past Christmas season and was impressed by the fact that 1) the lyrics were pretty funny and 2) it was the only time I heard it all season......versus hearing every Xmas song over and over until my ears were bleeding, like usual.

But a hippo for Christmas would be cool, anyway, if it were just people searching for it.

I feel bad for the people worried about dying from eating their own poo.
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