Fucker scratched my rim!


New member
Jul 18, 2009


Two days ago I'm doing my morning drive and a bit heavy on the pedal as usual.
The street is a three lane and I usually keep to the 1st lane since it tends to have many less cars, so it's easier to pass everyone.

So I'm driving in the 1st lane, when the car in front of me makes a turn right and leaves a wide gap open between my car and the next car up ahead. A big van in the 2nd lane decides not to check his mirror and attempts to change lanes, but the problem is that I'm completely parallel to him.

To make matters worst I had a tailgater right behind; g37. (god damn G37's & Benz's always want to play with me). As soon as I saw the van heading right into me I shift off to the right which causes my wheel to hit the curb. At this point the van is half way on my lane if not more, and I'm completely off to the side..which is when the right side of my car pops up above the curb.

I was actually fucking driving with half of my car sitting on the curb. Thankfully before the van completed the whole lane change he heard my horn and quickly pulled back to his lane which allowed me to come back in.

Our speeds were around 50 mph. Overall, screw the van driver for not checking his mirrors before the lane change. I'm not an angel, I will admit that I was doing a good bit of lane changing beforehand but I was in that lane for a good 5 seconds before he came in on me. So it's not like I switched into the 1st lane in his blind spot.

Once all of us recovered back into our lanes, we kept driving, we didn't stop. I'm just happy that he didn't end up hitting my car.

Image of my baby:


I curbed mine at the bank real bad one time right after I bought my fucking car and got it fixed up nice and dandy at the body shop.
I like to ride the city bus. Now that I live in the country, I miss it. Riding a burro just isn't the same.
I curbed mine at the bank real bad one time right after I bought my fucking car and got it fixed up nice and dandy at the body shop.

I'm bringing my car in next month to the dealer for a week to be fixed up. I have a few small dings here and there that I would like to be taken care off. Get it back to mint.
You made 100,000 K man in stocks, you can buy 3 of those,

stop crying.

I don't look at things like that. This ends up being a bigger inconvenience than just the extra money. Taking time out of my day to have it fixed forces me out of my business hours, which equates to much more than the rim themselves.

P.S - Definitely can't buy 3 of them for $100k, more like 1.5x.

P.S.S - Your boy mcgrunin on the right:


Taking in the gold since day 1.
You can have that fixed super cheap and fast. Talk to a local powdercoater and you can have all the wheels in whatever color you want while they are fixed. Whole deal will cost you <$600 if you play it right. They can have it done in a few hours. Had a similar problem with a wheel on my car. Took it to a local powdercoater/wheel repair guy and now you can't tell which wheel had damage even if you're looking for it.

Heh, I've a g37.

Cars are the shit. If there was more money in auto engineering that's what I would be doing. One day I will be modifying exotics for a living. For now I'm satisfied stomping on them at the track with my home-built $30k Subaru. I wish my karting days had panned out so I could be driving for real right now, but my vision isn't good enough. Too bad, I think I'm suited for banging supermodels and driving F1 :bootyshake: