Fucked up tracking with ZIP campaigns

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New member
Jul 5, 2007
What is wrong with these ZIP offers? I tested few days ago
around 10 ZIP submit offers from Millnicmedia thru proxies
and only ONE offer gave me lead. Pretty much same thing
with Copeac. And it seems that any offer that has ^ in
their name doesn't track properly.

At the moment I'm promoting the Generous Genies
$500 Target Gift Card offer, 27 clicks and 19 leads
at first, but after that things seemed to stop. Going
at 423 clicks and still shows 19 leads. FUCK. And
this has been going for days. Fuck this pisses me off.

Anyone else having problems with ZIP submits?

i've had issues before...contact your Rep & ask him what is going on / get him to do a test lead for you
Don't use any linbk that goes straight to megapromotionsgroup or the likes - The only ones I found to track at a normal rate were Copeac's zips that went through another network, cpabuilder.com
Yep lots of zip submits are fucked up, I've found some megapromotions still work but most don't. Even on the non mega ones my EPC went way down, probably due to tracking.
Zip or not there are always"tracking issues" and I would bet my neighbors dog that 9/10 it's a bunch of bullshit.

I've ran several new campaigns this last week that started out awesome for the first 24hrs...then...nothing. I fucking hate that and I fucking hate having to question every god damn fucking time it happens and get the same bull fucking shit. Fuck.

I've seen this same shit on private offers I've been selected for and it's damn annoying. I know it's an issue that can't be avoided but when the majority ends up fucked up it's fucking dog shit in the fucking yard.

Alright, rank off and have a fucktastic day.
Xrproto, ive seen the same phenomenon as you. Ill start a new campaign, get a lead first day, from then on out, nothing.... Its happened to me at least 3 times now and its frustrating as fuck...
What is wrong with these ZIP offers? I tested few days ago
around 10 ZIP submit offers from Millnicmedia thru proxies
and only ONE offer gave me lead. Pretty much same thing
with Copeac. And it seems that any offer that has ^ in
their name doesn't track properly.

I gave an indepth explanation of how zip subs work here:

I won't reiterate it, but read that thread, it is a very good one.

As for trying to fill out zip subs through proxies... What are you up to? Oh ya, just testing...

Well, I can tell you this. We maintain a comprehensive list of known open proxies as well as all of the common web proxy services out there. Any lead that comes through any off them is immediately scrubed. Localized information is also referenced and if you have cookies from other interactions (not necessarily with the domain you are on, but other third party domains) many proxies don't handle cookies properly, so unless you clear EVERY cookie, i doubt you'll get a lead through.

Fraud is a big problem in CPA networks, we spend about as much as the US military budget trying to prevent it. So if you are trying to 'test' the system by defrauding it... well... let me know how that works out. Oh wait, you just did.

The simple answer is this - 90% of Zip/Email sub offers have HUGE scrubs. Avoid them. Contact your AM and he/she will put you on to the best offers, ones that will convert at 25-35% instead of 8-12%.
stop running zip submits and run email submits instead, they earn more EPC wise anyway
Join CPAEmpire, I haven't had a single problem with there zip/email subs. Every single one tracks properly so far.
stop running zip submits and run email submits instead, they earn more EPC wise anyway
How about taking down offers that convert like shit in that field? I've run both zip & email submits with the megapromotionsgroup direct links, and they convert like shit compared with the ones that go through cpabuilder. I'm pretty sure that the advertiser is taking you (and us indirectly) for a ride by not letting you have your own pixel. I'd be interested to see the CR stats from direct & subbed (cpabuilder) zips & emails.
How about taking down offers that convert like shit in that field? I've run both zip & email submits with the megapromotionsgroup direct links, and they convert like shit compared with the ones that go through cpabuilder. I'm pretty sure that the advertiser is taking you (and us indirectly) for a ride by not letting you have your own pixel. I'd be interested to see the CR stats from direct & subbed (cpabuilder) zips & emails.

They are there as a back up to other offers. We have email/zip submits from 4 different advertisers, the advertiser everyone has an issue with has little to no volume from us, you can find out who they are in our network by the ^ symbol. If it says Free iPod ^ Zip submit, then chances are it wont track as good, run the advertiser with a ~ in the title they convert best, and next is the > symbol.

Always ask your AM whats working and also review our bi-weekly report with EPC's of all offers so you know which ones yield better.
Hah, never even knew those symbols meant anything.

Every time I've ever run a zip submit I've always had terrible results.

Time to run some ~ email campaigns.
Join CPAEmpire, I haven't had a single problem with there zip/email subs. Every single one tracks properly so far.

I second that. Joined CPAEmpire 3 days ago and I'm doing several hundred leads a day with some ZIP submits, converting at 1:2.75 after a landing page.

My first successful campaign, too, hope it lasts a bit.
Can't wait to try CPA empire, a zip submit i was promoting for 2 days on Copeac had an EPC of around .30, starting at midnight today, it hasn't gone past $.05. Only reason I'm using this zip submit is because the one I had been using quit tracking.. I hate having to juggle zip submits constantly to find working ones, I hope CPA empire is doing something that works..
funny, as soon as i opened my fucking mouth in this thread my zip submit on cpa empire went from 1:3 converting to like 1:6, still good, but ehh.
funny, as soon as i opened my fucking mouth in this thread my zip submit on cpa empire went from 1:3 converting to like 1:6, still good, but ehh.

Never be sure of your stats till the next day on cpaemp. The clicks and leads track at different times. I've had times with a $1 epc on a $1.25 offer. Then is shot down as soon as the clicks updated lolol.
ya i've noticed that. seems like the impressions come in, then some minutes later the leads, or vice versa.
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