Fucked by a customer, how to damage his FB page?


New member
Mar 21, 2011

I work for an internet marketing agency. One of our customer, that we were creating and managing his facebook fan page delayed last payment (more than $5k) then he stole all pictures (that we create during 5 months) and create a new page. He also deleted those pictures from the previous one.
He creates a new page and merged him with the previous one. So he also took all likes that we paid with ads.

How can we delete his page or make a maximum of damage to his new page?


If it's the Internet, can we mess up someone for no exact reason?

I'm just curious. It's a topic I've always gotten very interested but I'm not doing it.

It's kind of a thing where you can never be tracked for what you did. Just like an open world game.

Is that what it is?
Well, even if you delete his page or make a maximum damage to his new page it will not back your money. The thing you need to do is to improve your work and payment terms for your future customers, just move on and learn the lesson