Fuck Steve Jobs - Dennis Ritchie Just Died


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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It's a good reflection of how marketing works today. Jobs was a "huge brand" while I'm sure most people haven't even heard about Dennis Ritchie, or for that matter Unix and C...
It's simple, Steve Jobs had more fame and money before he died.
He also founded Pixar.

RIP to the both of them though.
You're one of rare posters right now that I think deserve a strong banhammer.

Though I bet you were already banned here and this is your 2nd account.
It's simple, Steve Jobs had more fame and money before he died.
He also founded Pixar.

He actually bought Pixar after it had been around over 5 years.

Jobs made himself the public face of a well known company. The death of Wendy's founder Dave Thomas would have received much less coverage if he had never been in their commercials and such.
y u so mad?

It's not a popularity contest

By the coverage of both deaths, yes it was a popularity contest. Ritchies gifts to the computing world far out weigh anything Jobs gave us. The death of Ritchie is truly a sad day in the world of computing and yes the passing of Jobs was sad as well. However, Jobs stood on the shoulders of Ritchie and it's sad the world never knew it.
I don't see what Steve Jobs has to do with Ritchie's Death. You can mourn Ritchie without putting down the death of another person.

Of course there's going to be more coverage of Job's death. Nearly everyone in America knew who Jobs was, maybe 2% of the American population knew who Ritchie was. Most of Ritchie's innovations were in the 70's and 80's. There's no need to "Fuck Steve Jobs" because his contributions are more well known.

I'm not sure what you want, there's coverage of Ritchie's death in the news. You want a movie made on him or 14 year old girls saying RIP on their Facebook walls?
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Any idiot who has a magpie-like fascination with shiny toys with a wheel and one button can be a Steve Jobs fan for making it ok to be bad at computers and internets. Guys like dmr built the foundations that let guys like Jobs polish turds, make an apple light up in the middle of them and sell them at a premium.
Who cares though... they're both dead and we're all atheists (I hope). They don't need grieving, grieving is a very vain act not worth the energy for scientists like ourselves. If you want to remember them fine, do it on your own, and do something productive with it. Build something or create something in their honor, but don't pettily argue on a message board about it.
You're one of rare posters right now that I think deserve a strong banhammer.

Though I bet you were already banned here and this is your 2nd account.

Although I agree Yuckstuff is normally a giant trolling douche bag, he's right on this account. Or are you just angry he's taking stabs at Steve Jobs?
I don't see what Steve Jobs has to do with Ritchie's Death. You can mourn Ritchie without putting down the death of another person.

Of course there's going to be more coverage of Job's death. Nearly everyone in America knew who Jobs was, maybe 2% of the American population knew who Ritchie was. Most of Ritchie's innovations were in the 70's and 80's. There's no need to "Fuck Steve Jobs" because his contributions are more well known.

I'm not sure what you want, there's coverage of Ritchie's death in the news. You want a movie made on him or 14 year old girls saying RIP on their Facebook walls?
This. RIP to both of them and their loved ones.
Any idiot who has a magpie-like fascination with shiny toys with a wheel and one button can be a Steve Jobs fan for making it ok to be bad at computers and internets. Guys like dmr built the foundations that let guys like Jobs polish turds, make an apple light up in the middle of them and sell them at a premium.
Lemme know when you're the CEO of a $75 billion dollar company, bro.