Fuck im hating hostgator today

All I can say is I have a few shared accounts with HG and only once one of them got suspended - an autoblog that went beyond 30k posts caused it. Moved it to a dedi elsewhere and every account has gone smoothly ever since.

You can get away with 40/50 sites pushing real traffic and resources and HG never gives a fuck. So you must have done some serious crap.

HG is still awesome in my book. So stop bitchin buy a dedi and if a site blows up the shared account, just move it.

I have tried over 20 hosts, and nothing beats HostGator in my book.

If you're gonna fuck around with autoblogs and install shady scripts, of course they're gonna ban your ass. What do you think? I don't know any hosting company that would tolerate you fucking around on their servers.

I have a few shared accounts with HG and I run about 20 sites per account. Things rarely go wrong, and when they do, their live chat team always fixes the issue within minutes.

Sometimes I even contact them about WordPress plugin bugs, which has nothing to do with them, and they STILL fix them for free.

A+ Hosting, A+ Support
People who think they have some magic traffic number figured out (that allows them to not get suspend), have no idea what they're talking about. Here's how it works...

1. Your site slows down the server. It doesn't matter *why* it's slowing down the server.
2. Someone on the same server complains about their site being slow.
3. HG support checks the server and sees your site is causing the slowdown.
4. Your site gets suspended.

Simple as that. It really just depends on how closely other clients monitor their sites. If nobody complains, HG will never bother warning you (unless you're crashing services).

It's like living in an apartment complex and throwing loud parties all the time. If your neighbors don't care and never call the cops, you can keep throwing parties... but if your neighbors are annoyed and *do* call the cops, you'll eventually get evicted from your apartment.
For the HG fan boys, I don't hear anybody in this thread complaining about getting slapped for overuse of resource. What I hear, and what I experienced, is hatin' on the clowns in support who don't know what they are doing. If you get their A-team then you are happy. If you get their morons then you aren't. And why do they even have morons on staff if they are such a hot hosting provider.
Hostgator sucks.

I've defended them in the past, but never again with this last round of BS I went through. I will never waste time or money again with hostgator. I have moved all my clients, friends, and own sites off hostgator. Not that it means anything to them, but they lost quite a few accounts when they fucked me over.

Most of the techs are decent. The few assholes on a power trip will fuck you over, and over-ride any previous service from the good techs.

I don't even want to start telling about the crap I went through. It just pisses me off. If some asshole is going to have the power to shut down an account, then he should at least have some basic network/server knowledge and have logs to back up any groundless accusations. You know your screwed when you have to explain basic hosting/network knowledge
to the clueless bastards.

Years ago they were a great company. These days, they're one of the worst.
were you running a proxy site on the shared account ? overloaded cache seems funny to me.
I just migrated to hostgator from bluehost.. the speeds are a lot better than what I was getting in bluehost.


I did an IP check on other websites hosted on the same IP as mine. there were over 999 different websites, I'm guessing on the same server.

The speeds on bluehost were really bad.

They have somethign called CPU throtteling, basically if your websites go over a certain amount of processing power they get throttled down. It's their way of basically overloading their servers with as many customers as possible without crashing it.

I have hypercache and db cache reloaded fix on all my websites, I took out all plugins that use dyanamic data from the database (bypasing the cache plugin), still my badwith were throttled.

Just to give you a clue, here's a snapshot of my throtteling after moving all my sites out of their servers.

the bigger the bar means the more seconds that the server has been limited/slowed down, this affects site speed and other things


All i've done is just log onto cpanel and do a few admin stuff to check that I've got all the databases and files, check that I'm set up all the email accounts and forwarders by having my hostgator and bluehost cpanel side by side.

Still it's throtteling the cpu for basic cpanel access... goes to show how bad their throttling is.

Hostgator seem pretty decent in my eyes, their speed is pretty fantastic, I really thought that I needed a dedi after using bluehost, but after moving to shared hostgator I realised that it wasn't my sites that weere fucking up it was bluehost.

So far so good with hostgator, admittedly support is crap, but as long as you don't need to do anything too unconventional it's pretty decent.

If your complaint is some server configurations and stuff, I think you really need a VPS of your own to get the functionality you're after.
This just happened to me with HG/shared.

I have mininet hosted on shared and they just shut down ALL of them because they claim one is getting too many requests on the database.

it's a 5 page joomla website that was only used for link building three months ago.

Have had a dedi from them for a while and it's been great. I know that I'm overpaying for the specs, but their support chat is fucking awesome. Always get my shit fixed by them.
Yup, I am willing to pay a little more for Hostgator services because of the AMAZING support. I have never had better on the spot assistance time and time again. LOVE the chat support!
I used to have problems with shared hosts shutting down sites for too much resources, it didn't seem like it would take much traffic to trip that kinda stuff (both hostmonster and hostgator).

But then I started doing all sites on WordPress and using caching plugins, haven't had a single shut down for resources on a shared host since starting to do that. I feel like I'm squeezing quite a lot out of my cheap shared hosting due to that. Caching systems might be worth looking into if you're having these types of problems and want to stay on cheap hosting.