FTC And Search Engines Are Idiots

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You are using mundane examples to support your argument. Manuals to lose with weight...dude you must be smoking. Guess what Einstein? People get grants...lots of them. That is why there are hundreds of millions of dollars in there. Will the poor and illiterate get them? I doubt it, but it is the same class of people who will buy Weight Watchers and don't read the manuals. And yeah...they will continue to smoke cigarettes, and eat red meat despite the hazards.

Almost every product within each network won't qualify for your standards...acai... resv...grants...colon....ab blasters....green tea....even weight watchers.

Do some AM for Moveon.org my friend. You are in the wrong industry and country.

What the fuck are you smoking that you couldn't comprehend what he was saying?

He said there is no "stimulus package"... the same terminology used by blog dickriders to promote GRANTS. He's saying that was a lie.

Read this next time (hope you understand it):


You are using mundane examples to support your argument. Manuals to lose with weight...dude you must be smoking. Guess what Einstein? People get grants...lots of them. That is why there are hundreds of millions of dollars in there. Will the poor and illiterate get them? I doubt it, but it is the same class of people who will buy Weight Watchers and don't read the manuals. And yeah...they will continue to smoke cigarettes, and eat red meat despite the hazards.

Almost every product within each network won't qualify for your standards...acai... resv...grants...colon....ab blasters....green tea....even weight watchers.

Do some AM for Moveon.org my friend. You are in the wrong industry and country.

Are you fucking stupid and/or have some sort of reading comprehension problem? I was about to try and get the point in the the thick skull of yours, but realized I would be just retyping my previous post. Judging by all of your posts in this thread so far there seems to be some disconnect between your train of thought, logic and what you eventually spew out. Read what I replied to, read my previous post, and hopefully it will finally click, if not, they do say third time is the charm. Otherwise, don't bother replying, unless you are capable of comprehending 6th grade English, there's not point in "arguing" with you.
Yay looks I have about 2 cents to add here

Signing up for weight watchers will most likely do nothing or very little to your weight, but guess what, you will receive instructions/books on how to lose weight and also their shitty, overpriced meals.
I think think the argument people make, legitimately, is that an weight watchers membership ads value to peoples lives, and the benefits are ongoing.

A large part of the reason many consider the grant offers "scams" is that there is no on-going value to maintaining the membership.

Weight Watchers members are not paying a monthly membership for a generic online essay on how to lose weight; members are paying for a fresh supply of articles, news, recipes, community involvement, local meetings, personal progress tracking, etc. and a general sense of self-betterment.

A burger you buy will never look the same as on tv, but you will get your burger patty, a bun, salad, some pickles and something that resembles a tomato.
Exactly - but you're not paying an ongoing fee for that burger. There is no value to continuing to pay for that burger after you've eaten it.

At least with Acai, Resveratrol, Skin Cream, Teeth Whitner, etc they're getting a fresh supply of product each month.


At the end of the day I'm a capitalist so, if it makes dollars it makes sense.
Yay looks I have about 2 cents to add here

I think think the argument people make, legitimately, is that an weight watchers membership ads value to peoples lives, and the benefits are ongoing.

A large part of the reason many consider the grant offers "scams" is that there is no on-going value to maintaining the membership.

Weight Watchers members are not paying a monthly membership for a generic online essay on how to lose weight; members are paying for a fresh supply of articles, news, recipes, community involvement, local meetings, personal progress tracking, etc. and a general sense of self-betterment.

Exactly - but you're not paying an ongoing fee for that burger. There is no value to continuing to pay for that burger after you've eaten it.

At least with Acai, Resveratrol, Skin Cream, Teeth Whitner, etc they're getting a fresh supply of product each month.


At the end of the day I'm a capitalist so, if it makes dollars it makes sense.

Eh, I'm not about to get into a discussion on what constitutes a valid continuity model and what not. :p

The point I was making is that there is a difference between misleading advertising, and advertising something that doesn't exist.
What the fuck are you smoking that you couldn't comprehend what he was saying?

He said there is no "stimulus package"... the same terminology used by blog dickriders to promote GRANTS. He's saying that was a lie.

Read this next time (hope you understand it):

Learn to Read at Starfall - teaching comprehension and phonics

Dumbasses- there are crapload of grants that are directly from the stimulus package and even more this year. It is not a lie but a truth that the FTC does not want the advertisers to take advantage of:

Pell Grants and the stimulus package The Policy Farm Team

15 Billion to start in the Pell packages for the stimulus and many. many more. Do the research fuckheads then argue about comprehension. What a bunch of dumb ass geeks you guys are.
Dumbasses- there are crapload of grants that are directly from the stimulus package and even more this year. It is not a lie but a truth that the FTC does not want the advertisers to take advantage of:

Pell Grants and the stimulus package The Policy Farm Team

15 Billion to start in the Pell packages for the stimulus and many. many more. Do the research fuckheads then argue about comprehension. What a bunch of dumb ass geeks you guys are.

Wow, your reading skills are laughable.

The economic stimulus package is going to pump $15+ billion into the federal Pell Grant program, increasing the maximum award by $500.

The Pell Grant has been under-funded almost since it first began, and the “purchasing power” of the program has been slipping since the 1980’s.

Look there, they even have a chart with nice colors:


You are absolutely amazing. Amazingly retarded, I'm surprised you haven't managed to remove yourself from the gene pool yet. Just because the stimulus package increases the funding of a 35 year old program, doesn't mean that the government is going to hand out checks, courtesy of the stimulus package. They did that under the previous administration. Not happening this time. The FTC stepped in not because they want to keep those secret grants you believe you've uncovered for themselves, but to protect customers from crackheads like yourself.

And that's it from me, please make sure to ignore those warning labels you find on various products. Don't listen to them, they just want to withhold the pleasure that bathing with a hair dryer brings. Don't let some corporate schmuck tell you what you can, and can't do. Fight the power.
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