FTC And Search Engines Are Idiots

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New member
Oct 8, 2007
There is a popular grant offer that is going bye-bye because of high chargebacks.

FTC and the search engines are the biggest fucking morons on the planet. Protecting the customers.....keeping a good user experience.....let me see the country is almost in depression because of these fucking morons and now we are bailing them out.

To boot, these fucking morons are doing chargebacks which they always do with any other products they buy.Same shit as not paying your mortgage.

Then if you don't promote it, you really shouldn't give a fuck, and let those of us that actually do make money with it worry about it.

This actually goes beyond grants and is a re-bill issue. Point I was trying to make is that FTC and search engines don't understand that advertisers come and go because of chargebacks.

Users are really in control and bitch anyway when they have the money back in hand.
There is a popular grant offer that is going bye-bye because of high chargebacks.

FTC and the search engines are the biggest fucking morons on the planet. Protecting the customers.....keeping a good user experience.....let me see the country is almost in depression because of these fucking morons and now we are bailing them out.

To boot, these fucking morons are doing chargebacks which they always do with any other products they buy.Same shit as not paying your mortgage.
I don't quite get what the FTC and search engines have to do with an offer disappearing due to a high chargeback rate...
I don't quite get what the FTC and search engines have to do with an offer disappearing due to a high chargeback rate...

I was trying to figure out the same thing. otanewhat the fuck you smoking? You better start passing it around. Douchebag.
I don't quite get what the FTC and search engines have to do with an offer disappearing due to a high chargeback rate...

FTC and search engines are coming in when the chargebacks will take care of the advertiser itself. The Obama thing was over the top, but they didn't have to destroy the whole fucking niche. Looks like this shit will flow over to other areas - if it hasn't already.

Customers can always do chargebacks and the credit card companies will take their side. No need for them to cry victim.

oh yeah...purple haze is the shit.
FTC and search engines are coming in when the chargebacks will take care of the advertiser itself. The Obama thing was over the top, but they didn't have to destroy the whole fucking niche. Looks like this shit will flow over to other areas - if it hasn't already.

Customers can always do chargebacks and the credit card companies will take their side. No need for them to cry victim.

oh yeah...purple haze is the shit.

The "Obama" thing wasn't over the top, it was a straight up lie. It wasn't misleading, or deceptive, the advertised content didn't fucking exist. And they didn't destroy the whole "fucking niche".
The "Obama" thing wasn't over the top, it was a straight up lie. It wasn't misleading, or deceptive, the advertised content didn't fucking exist. And they didn't destroy the whole "fucking niche".

Dude, everything in advertising is a lie if you want to get into absolutes.
Dude, everything in advertising is a lie if you want to get into absolutes.
Dude, no. Go educate yourself. Advertising grants may be misleading, but a person can under certain circumstances and assuming the put in the effort, qualify and receive grant money. A burger you buy will never look the same as on tv, but you will get your burger patty, a bun, salad, some pickles and something that resembles a tomato. Signing up for weight watchers will most likely do nothing or very little to your weight, but guess what, you will receive instructions/books on how to lose weight and also their shitty, overpriced meals. An user signing up for a grant offer to get his or her part of the stimulus package will get ... information on how to apply for grants. And no matter what that person will do, no matter how many application she writes, no matter how brilliant he or she otherwise is, the customer will never, under any circumstances, receive money from the stimulus package. Because, you know, it doesn't exist. Hard to grasp it seems, but that's the way it is. This isn't a case of "your results may vary, results aren't typical", there is no humanely way to receive what was being advertised. It is was a lie, plain and simple.

There's a reason people all over the US were able to enjoy a hyper active Lesko on TV for decades, and why the FTC stepped in on the stimulus pages after not even 6 months. And that difference is the difference between advertising and lying, and has nothing to do with getting into absolutes. I'd suggest you add yourself into the title, seems fitting.
Dude, no. Go educate yourself. Advertising grants may be misleading, but a person can under certain circumstances and assuming the put in the effort, qualify and receive grant money. A burger you buy will never look the same as on tv, but you will get your burger patty, a bun, salad, some pickles and something that resembles a tomato. Signing up for weight watchers will most likely do nothing or very little to your weight, but guess what, you will receive instructions/books on how to lose weight and also their shitty, overpriced meals. An user signing up for a grant offer to get his or her part of the stimulus package will get ... information on how to apply for grants. And no matter what that person will do, no matter how many application she writes, no matter how brilliant he or she otherwise is, the customer will never, under any circumstances, receive money from the stimulus package. Because, you know, it doesn't exist. Hard to grasp it seems, but that's the way it is. This isn't a case of "your results may vary, results aren't typical", there is no humanely way to receive what was being advertised. It is was a lie, plain and simple.

There's a reason people all over the US were able to enjoy a hyper active Lesko on TV for decades, and why the FTC stepped in on the stimulus pages after not even 6 months. And that difference is the difference between advertising and lying, and has nothing to do with getting into absolutes. I'd suggest you add yourself into the title, seems fitting.

You are using mundane examples to support your argument. Manuals to lose with weight...dude you must be smoking. Guess what Einstein? People get grants...lots of them. That is why there are hundreds of millions of dollars in there. Will the poor and illiterate get them? I doubt it, but it is the same class of people who will buy Weight Watchers and don't read the manuals. And yeah...they will continue to smoke cigarettes, and eat red meat despite the hazards.

Almost every product within each network won't qualify for your standards...acai... resv...grants...colon....ab blasters....green tea....even weight watchers.

Do some AM for Moveon.org my friend. You are in the wrong industry and country.
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