Frustrated with outsourcing

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New member
Oct 19, 2008
The sign says "Nowhere".
I've haven't had much luck in getting what I want when I outsource. I'm a programmer by professions so I outsource the design and writing part of my landing pages. Each landing page ends up costing me $150-$200 with design and articles. I don't care so much about the money but the time I waste wuith these guys and the lack of professionalism shown by these guys is unbelievable. The same landing page will go through 20 iteration before its close to what i want. And guess what? It never ends up working. So There goes that $200 down the drain. I end up creating my own shit looking page and tweaking it until it works.

These guys use no imagination. If you're paying $20 a articles I expect them to do some research on the topic and then write but the shit these guys put together don't even make any sense. How am I suppose to convince the visitors? I ask them to take design ideas from the example landing pages and make one unique for me. But no, these whip out the same looking page or a page that is not even compare to the design quality as other pages.

I have used both Elance and DP forums. Elance is great for quality but you get the same morons as DP. You have hold these guys hands and tell them exactly what you want.

I just want a team of 2 or 3 people who I can rely on for all my work. Do you guys have team or you guys for from one guy to another for your pages and never end finding anyone who is reliable and smart?

With outsourcing my feeling is you get what you pay for.

For example I can hire an Indian to do a task at $5/hr or I can hire a native speaker here state side to do the same thing at $15/hr

The indian will take 3 times as long, plus you will spend more managing and explaing so something that should take an hour will take 4 for total cost of $20.

With a native speaker with quick instructions they will give you exactly what you want in the time you estimate for total cost of $15.

Of course there is exceptions, but so far this has been my experience.
I use banneroisty for all of my landing pages. I've had tangy write for me, was impressed.
With outsourcing my feeling is you get what you pay for.

For example I can hire an Indian to do a task at $5/hr or I can hire a native speaker here state side to do the same thing at $15/hr

The indian will take 3 times as long, plus you will spend more managing and explaing so something that should take an hour will take 4 for total cost of $20.

With a native speaker with quick instructions they will give you exactly what you want in the time you estimate for total cost of $15.

Of course there is exceptions, but so far this has been my experience.

That's exactly whats been happening. Due to time difference, I wait for entire 12 hours for a response to an email. The time difference make things hard.

But then I wonder how are you guys getting your stuff done? I can't afford to wait 7 days for landing page design and then another week for articles.

I end up using my shit looking pages (which BTW work great after much tweaking). But I want to focus on the marketing part and let the experts make me the pages quickly. I spend one week on a landing page and exhaust myself and lose focus on the marketing. This is been hurting my business.
There are some pretty good designers here. Go look in the Sell/Buy/Trade section.

Thanks alexb. Will do. But everyone here is also an affiliate. What makes you think they won't find out what offers you're promoting and maybe steal your stuff. It won't take them long to find out where you're promoting your stuff.
Well, i just checked out the buy and sell here. I'll give this a shot as well. Nothing to lose. I just want someone who can go out and do the research on the topic and write articles that make sense. A designer who can get things done a quicker than 7 days.

Wish me luck!
Thanks alexb. Will do. But everyone here is also an affiliate. What makes you think they won't find out what offers you're promoting and maybe steal your stuff. It won't take them long to find out where you're promoting your stuff.

Stop being paranoid. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so if you've got competition ... good for you, you're doing something right and making some cash. Also, you'll be leaving your landing pages out for everyone to see once the campaign is running. Shit, you'll even be paying affiliates per click to copy your page.

Besides, everyone here doesn't do PPC stuff. I, along with many others, are 100% organic at this point. WF isn't just about pushin' berries you know.
Hello friend,

Find good people to do work right for you no is easy.

Like how saying go if want thing do right have do self.

Good luck bro
Sometimes it's pure luck, I have an AWESOME content writer who is from the US. A mother of 2, and can push out 30 articles a day. I love her. She was the second writer I ever hired.
Stop being paranoid. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so if you've got competition ... good for you, you're doing something right and making some cash. Also, you'll be leaving your landing pages out for everyone to see once the campaign is running. Shit, you'll even be paying affiliates per click to copy your page.

Besides, everyone here doesn't do PPC stuff. I, along with many others, are 100% organic at this point. WF isn't just about pushin' berries you know.

Point taken.
I met the founder of this offshore placement firm at Affiliate Summit a few years back. Which has worked out for us to hire this offshore staff to work full time for us. This way we can train and manage the relationship, but still get the cost savings at under $4 an hour.
What do you guys do?

Say I want a review style landing page done?

1. I hire a designer and get a HTML page done. I ask him to fill the page with random text.

2. I hire a write separately. I take the landing page to him, ask him to so some research on the topic and products I'm promoting , write reviews for the products on landing page and some articles on the side.

3. Then you take both things and put 'em together yourself?

Why can't I find some who can do all? Are there anyone or is this even a good idea outsourcing everything to one person?
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