Frustrated w/ no conversions

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Lucky Noob.
Jan 7, 2008
Saturday I had my first profitable day with AM. Ran ads with a few networks (adwords, ysm, adcenter, adbrite) and had a really great conversion rate. Was something like 30%, and closer to 50% on some of the more targeted keywords. Then Sunday happened. NO conversions. Same ads, same offer, about the same ctr etc, but not a single conversion. I get home and check again tonight, and once again zero conversions today. Is that normal? Does this happen often? I just didn't think it would be that volatile.

Yes, it's normal. Volatility is part of the affiliate game.

The only strange thing would be if you went from something like 100+ leads down to 0; but if you went from 5 leads to 0 leads, then that's expected.
yep and get used to it. once you get to the point where you have a really decent amount of traffic you will stop seeing this happen.
roll with the punches...many noobs quit at this point or soon after...keep tweaking & testing new shit
Ew, shaving. The beauty of being an advertiser, they do whatever the fuck they want.... Assholes.

Or you can have very very very bad luck, but I doubt that's the case.
yes, that is an odd trend that many of us have certainly seen. You get all excited get a few conversions the first day, then nothing.....Ive never been able to quite explain it either.....just the other day i started something, and had 7 clicks and 3 conversions, then it turned into 55 clicks and 5 conversions, i dunno man.......
I take it you are using CJ?

Havokb8: I agree, this is an strange trend. I firmly believe that CJ shave the hair off the asses of new publishers.
I'm a newbie and I'm experiencing the same. I'm sending a few hundred clicks per day to a COPEAC email submit. The first week it converted at 30% (which was a ROI of almost 200%), but then it dropped to 5% overnight (which is a loss of 75%) :( I asked my AM for help and she says they're investigating it.
I'm a newbie and I'm experiencing the same. I'm sending a few hundred clicks per day to a COPEAC email submit. The first week it converted at 30% (which was a ROI of almost 200%), but then it dropped to 5% overnight (which is a loss of 75%) :( I asked my AM for help and she says they're investigating it.
Email submits are always fuckin shady.

I've had numerous problems with email/zips at Copeac and others. My AM's have "looked into it" but nothing ever changes.

Its obviously the advertisers screwing over the affiliates and not the networks (at least I hope so). But it is the responsibility of the networks to tell the advertisers that shaving isn't acceptable and to actually enforce it.

So far I haven't seen any network attempt to do so...
Well, it wasn't CJ, and it wasn't just a zip or email submit. I did finally get ONE freaking conversion last night, but I have scaled the traffic back. Don't know what to do. Trying to decide between tossing the campaign or not. I guess I could A/B the offer with the same offer from another network. Think that might change anything?
Testing offers from different networks is always a worth a try. (depending on your budget) if you can continue to test and tweak your LP and ad copy, I'd do so.

As for my last post, I always feel bad about using Copeac in my examples. Aside from shitty email/zips (which are at every network btw) COPEAC has been great to me.
Traffic fluctuates, but as it was said earlier, it's normal unless you're going from 100 leads a day to 0. I would maybe pull the over and send that traffic to something similar from a diff. network. You never know- maybe you are getting hosed.
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