Friday - Boobs & Beer

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I'm lucky to live in Colorado where we literally have hundreds of microbrews to chose from. I actually started brewing my own beer about a year ago. Right now i've got about 14 cases on hand. I've brewed berry wheats, Lagers, Darker Stouts, regular wheat beer, but everyones favorite has been my Caramel Vanilla Cream Ale. I would post pics, but it's just a labelless brown bottle lol. I can usually tell which beer it is by the color when I hold it up to the light.

I like where this is heading...



From one OKC resident to another, where do you get Big Sky?

The Cellar on May and Britton. They claim to carry every beer available in OKC, and judging by the selection i don't doubt it. They also sell singles of every beer they sell too. The whole back wall is just singles.

Avery is pretty decent too. Waiting for their Maharaja to come back out this year, only available March to August. It's an Imperial IPA. Perfect for the hop heads like me.
The Cellar on May and Britton. They claim to carry every beer available in OKC, and judging by the selection i don't doubt it. They also sell singles of every beer they sell too. The whole back wall is just singles.

Avery is pretty decent too. Waiting for their Maharaja to come back out this year, only available March to August. It's an Imperial IPA. Perfect for the hop heads like me.

That's right around the corner from me. I'ma head over there now, get this weekend started proper.

I'm lucky to live in Colorado where we literally have hundreds of microbrews to chose from. I actually started brewing my own beer about a year ago. Right now i've got about 14 cases on hand. I've brewed berry wheats, Lagers, Darker Stouts, regular wheat beer, but everyones favorite has been my Caramel Vanilla Cream Ale. I would post pics, but it's just a labelless brown bottle lol. I can usually tell which beer it is by the color when I hold it up to the light.

I got a buddy who just got his Sabco Brewmaster in January, pretty sweet if you don't mind the price tag. He bottled for about the 1st 2-3 batches and swiftly switched to kegs and all grain brewing. He also has, i think 18 or so hops vines in the back yard. Needless to say he's pretty into it. He's got picks on flikr. Built himself a keezer out of his chest freezer too.
Avery is pretty decent too. Waiting for their Maharaja to come back out this year, only available March to August. It's an Imperial IPA. Perfect for the hop heads like me.

The Maharaja is a world class kick in the ass...and you can't go wrong with the american IPA either...
The Maharaja is a world class kick in the ass...and you can't go wrong with the american IPA either...

yes'sir definitely my all time favorite, gotta stock up this time. Another one that is a kick in the ass is the Sam Adams Impy Pils and Flying Dog's Double Dog Double Pale Ale. Now I've never had the DFH 60, 90, or 120 IPA, but the hops in the Double Dog and Impy Pils is off the charts, just the way I like it.
I've been planning on switching to kegs for the last couple months. I'm i nthe middle of remodeling our new place, so the bar isn't finished yet. Once it is, I fully plan on making the switch. Honestly, bottles are the most expensive part of brewing. I usually just go for used bottles from one of the local breweries. Bottled my first all grain Lager about a month ago, the difference is really night and day. It's an addictive hobby. Sounds like your friend has taken it to the next level with his own hop growing though lol.
yes'sir definitely my all time favorite, gotta stock up this time. Another one that is a kick in the ass is the Sam Adams Impy Pils and Flying Dog's Double Dog Double Pale Ale. Now I've never had the DFH 60, 90, or 120 IPA, but the hops in the Double Dog and Impy Pils is off the charts, just the way I like it.

the ddd pale ale was my first heavy heavy beer ever no idea what i was getting buddy told me to try something different...i remember thinking wtf is this carbonated fucking pinsol or something...fd imperial porter keeps me coming back...

I've been planning on switching to kegs for the last couple months. I'm i nthe middle of remodeling our new place, so the bar isn't finished yet. Once it is, I fully plan on making the switch. Honestly, bottles are the most expensive part of brewing. I usually just go for used bottles from one of the local breweries. Bottled my first all grain Lager about a month ago, the difference is really night and day. It's an addictive hobby. Sounds like your friend has taken it to the next level with his own hop growing though lol.

that're way ahead of me, my neighbor is brewing world class shit in his garage, so i live vicariously through him and try to learn what i can....

and more boobs and beer:


Does he post on HomebrewTalk? I swear I saw him doing a writeup on his mobile brew stand he has in his pics. Nice setup either way! Thanks for the link.
Does he post on HomebrewTalk? I swear I saw him doing a writeup on his mobile brew stand he has in his pics. Nice setup either way! Thanks for the link.

I believe so, and pretty sure he's a paid member over there too, not sure if that makes a difference I think he goes by the same name over there and at BeerAdvocate and RateBeer, although i don't think he posts at them anymore.
Hope he doesn't mind me posting the link, meh fuck it,he'll live.
TheDean: fd imperial porter keeps me coming back...

I'm not much into the Porter's and Stout's, once in a while, or if my friend brews a batch I'll try it. As I said before I'm a hop head, so mainly Pale Ales and IPA, I do like a good white or wheat though too.
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