Freelancing and illness

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I assume you mean what do you do when you're laid out for a few days with the flu or something? Same thing as 9-5ers do, they stay home and recooperate. Pause your campaigns if you're that bad, and resume after.

What a stupid question this was. What kind of answer are you looking for? "I had a 105 fever and made $1000 today!"?? Everyone reacts differently when theyre ill. Some people get a cold and refuse to work, they have to lie in bed like wussies and watch I Dream of Jeannie reruns. If you have employees or people trained to carry on the business for you, you're set. If you don't, then you work as best as you can from your laptop in bed. What other possible answers are there to this question?
i think he means freelancing like doing work for clients. so he's sick and can't "think" enough to do his freelancing work. i would say do what you can. depends how much of a priority it is for your client.
ask the client for an extension and explain the situation, maybe offer a discount if it was at all time sensitive.
just be honest with your clients, tell them the situation.. more than likely they'll understand, and not want you to work while sick and do a half-assed job.
I keep very fit to avoid becoming ill. If i notice even the slightest bit of a cold coming on I down meds to keep it at bay.

Also washing your hands regularly helps too (no idea why most people don't get this one right)
Feel better and then get back to work. If the job is urgent, tell them because of a short delay, you could arrange a discount? Even avoiding that isn't so bad due to your condition.
This is when professional relationships pay off. You could outsource if the client can't wait.

Hope you get better.
Meh try freelancing with two young kids, and a wife that catches an illness every so often. Illnesses come and go, and yes it can be extremely distracting on your work, kinda like how I went a month of my tooth constantly causing a sharp pain on the side of my face and the back of my eye. But kids... there're there for years and years and years to come, and not only do they consume resources they make it harder for you to earn the funds to pay for the extra resources.

In the event that the authorities find my children buried in the backyard, I respectfully request that the moderators delete all my postings on this forum
Just keep the client updated through the illness. Illness is a big excuse in the freelance world. Usually a dev claims sickness then just falls off the face of the planet.

As long as channels of communication stay open, the client will stay happy.
In the event that the authorities find my children buried in the backyard, I respectfully request that the moderators delete all my postings on this forum

I second that request - try it with two young kids, one with mental issues, and having the spouse gone for 8+ months out of the year... Ahh, the joys of being a military wife...
Just keep the client updated through the illness. Illness is a big excuse in the freelance world. Usually a dev claims sickness then just falls off the face of the planet.

As long as channels of communication stay open, the client will stay happy.

Not to mention slow progress is better than no progress at all.
Exercise, eat healthy food, take a vitamin supplement, get enough sleep, all these things will help you keep from getting sick in the first place.

They will also help you recover faster once you are sick, minus the exercise probably if you are too sick.
take a vitamin supplement

Scientifically unproven - there's has been no study done that shows any benefit to taking a daily vitamin.

That said - I still take one.

Beyond that - the whole "what do I do if I am sick and working as an independent?" question really has two separate risk factors you should mitigate.

First, the client should be informed up front - in the contract itself - that in the event of unforseen delays (e.g., H1N1) the project may not be completed on time and they client will be informed about the delay at the earliest possible moment.

Second, make sure you have health insurance. I don't really need to explain that one any further.
call in well and when they ask what you mean just tell them well im not working today. Hell ive been sick since i could think at least thats what im told
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