This is ABSOLUTLY all that ANYONE, n00b or Pro needs to find stuff!!
Originally Posted by Midas Touch
Which is "WHY" myself and a couple of others here have RECENTLY posted techniques for FINDING YOUR OWN DAMN eBOOKS without second-hand mooching or begging!!
Where are these post? I could not find any. I looked around before coming to this thread, which started off good. I learend alot from the ebooks here, and I am glad all you 5-6 figure marketers don't need this stuff anymore but what about people who are not on your level yet b/c all you do is try to rickroll everyone and bitch when people are asking for things they are interested in.
but what do I know I am just a noob right?
We get UPSET and IMPATIENT with people who are TOO LAZY to follow instructions and do their own research. Why in the hell should we do
"YOUR WORK" for you?!
Alright, just for you, I'm going to take you by the hand here.
(If you read the ENTIRE THREAD form page 1 to page 49 you WILL find the
techniques used to get your FREE stuff. Forget about those older dead links, just use the subjects of those links in these techniques to find them.)
Here's where a couple of newer all-in-one ebook links are.
Page #46 Posts 2251-2254 and post 2282.
Then page 48 has "my" two posts #2396 & #2399 that SHOW you how to search for your own stuff.
I will now provide a link and a partial (About 1/20 of the content.) excerpt of the "ACTUAL" contents of that link for your edification on the subject of
"pilfering" other peoples stuff for free.
How to use google search – a better approach
Here are some tips to helps you find eBooks with Google:
Find Apache’s (default) Index page
Try this query:
+(”index of”) +(”/ebooks”|”/book”) +(chm|pdf|zip|rar) +apache
Find a particular eBook file
Try this query:
allinurl: +(rar|chm|zip|pdf|tgz) TheTitle
+(”index of”) +(”/ebooks”|”/book”|”/pub”) +(pdf|zip|rar) +visual
+(”index of”) +(”/ebooks”|”/book”) +(pdf|zip|rar) +visual
+(”index of”)+(”/pub”)+(”Microsoft Visual C++”)+(pdf|zip|rar)
+(”index of”)+(”/pub”)+(”Microsoft Visual C++”)+(pdf)
+(”example”|”Tutorial”)+(”.net”)+(”Microsoft Visual C++”)
+”Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003 Kick Start pdf”
+(”index of”)+(””)
To find mp3 downloads
Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3
Or To be Specific
Example: ?intitle:index.of? mp3 jackson
• Pick your keywords carefully & be specific
• Do NOT exceed 10 keywords
• Use Boolean modifiers
• Use advanced operators
• Google ignores some words:
{a, about, an, and, are, as, at, be, by, from, how, i, in, is, it,
of, on, or, that, the, this, to, we, what, when, where, which, with }
Google’s Boolean Modifiers
• AND is always implied. (Such as searching Virus code AND sockets seach both the virus code & sockets.)
• OR: Escobar (Such as searching Cracks OR Patches search either crack or patch.)
• “-” = NOT (Use to avoide some specific thing such as “Serials-cracks” give you the sites for only serials but not cracks)
• “+” = MUST(Force to search some specific thing like Windows programming+codes.)
• “.” This wildcard for a single character ( will return documents containing the phrases fire fox, fireAfox, fire1fox, fire-fox etc.)
• Use quotes for exact phrase matching:”Network Security” etc.
Advanced Operators
• allintitle:
• allinurl:
• allintext:
• author:
• cache:
• define:
• info:
• intext:
• intitle:
• inurl:
• link:
• inanchor:
• insite:
• related:
• stocks:
• filetype:
• numrange 1973..2005
• site:
• phonebook:
Allintitle:It restricts results to documents whose title contains all the specified phrases.
Example: allintitle: sensitive filetype:doc
allintitle: restricted filetype :mail
allintitle: restricted filetype:doc site:gov
Allinurl: It restricts results to sites whose URL contains all the specified phrases.
Example: allinurl:winnt system32
allinurl:bbs data
allinurl:admin filetype:mdb
Allintext:It restricts results to documents containing the specified phrase in the text, but not in the title, link descriptions or URLs .
Example: allintext:Internet Protocol
Author: This Searches for the author of a newsgroup post.
Example: author:Rick (Find all newsgroup postings with “Rick” in the
author name or email address.Must be used with a Google Group search)
Cache: This operator displays the version of a web page as it appeared when Google crawled the site. The URL of the site must be supplied after the colon.(Turn off images and you can look at pages without
being logged on the server! Google as a mirror.)
Example: cache:
SANS Institute - Network, Security, Computer, Audit Information & Training (Show the cached version of the page without performing the search)
Define: It gives the definitions of the word.
Example: define
ata packet (This gives the definition of the data packet system of network)
Info:This gives the information of a page given by the user.
Yahoo! (Find informaton about yahoo site)
Example: intext:ZeroBoard filetype
Intitle: This operator instructs Google to search for a term within the title of a document.
Example: intitle:”index of” etc
intitle:”Index of” .sh_history
intitle:”Index of” .bash_history
intitle:”index of” passwd
intitle:”index of” people.lst
intitle:”index of” pwd.db
intitle:”index of” etc/shadow
intitle:”index of” spwd
intitle:”index of” master.passwd
intitle:”index of” htpasswd
intitle:”index of” data
intitle:”index of”/admin
intitle:”index of” members OR accounts
intitle:”index of” user_carts OR user_cart
_vti_pvt password intitle:index.of
“# -FrontPage-” inurl:service.pwd
Inurl:This operator instructs Google to search only within the URL (web address) of a document.
Example: inurl:data filetype:mdb
inurl:admin filetype:txt
inurl:admin filetype:db
inurl:admin filetype:cfg
inurl:mysql filetype:cfg
asswd filetype:txt
inurl:gov filetype:xls “restricted”
Inanchor:It restricts results to sites containing links with the specified phrase in their descriptions
Example: “inanchor:fire” will return documents with links whose description contains the word fire (that’s the actual link text, not the URL indicated by the link)
Insite: Restricts the search to a specific domain. This is a particularly useful for focusing on vulnerabilities in specific domain names or top level domain such as “.mil”.
Example: insite:gov
Link:This operator instructs Google to search within hyperlinks for a search term.
Example: link:
Google will return documents containing one or
more links to
Get the 411 on Anyone with Free White Pages, People Search and Online Directory
Releted: The syntax related: lists web pages that are “similar” to a specific web page.
Example: related:
A Website Dedicated to Computer Professionals will list web pages
that are similar to that of TheNetworkAdministrator’s homepage.
Filetype:This operator instructs Google to search only within the text of a particular type of file. The file type to search must be supplied after the colon. Don’t include a period before the file extension.
Google can search this type of file
• Adobe Portable Document Format (pdf)
• Adobe PostScript (ps)
• Lotus 1-2-3 (wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku)
• MacWrite (mw)
• Microsoft Excel (xls)
• Microsoft PowerPoint (ppt)
• Microsoft Word (doc)
• Microsoft Works (wks, wps, wdb)
• Microsoft Write (wri)
• Rich Text Format (rtf)
• Shockwave Flash (swf)
• Text (ans, txt)
• And many more….
Example: filetype
df TCP/IP (This will return the pdf files which
contaning the word TCP/IP)
filetype:exe Keylogger (This will return the exe files
of Keylogger)
filetype:mdb inurl:database
filetype:inc conn
filetype:doc htpasswd
password filetype:xls
Now, go
makemonies online!!!
P.S. The "Smilies" in the above text are due to the BB code here in the Forum. Go to the link above to see the WHOLE thing correctly at the site it came from. (I'm TOO LAZY to change the codes for you!!)
P.S.S. I would HIGHLY recommend that you go to the actual site and then copy the page and then paste it into a document to save on your computer for future use. That way you can just copy and paste the syntaxes into the search engine instead on trying to remember them or having to type them.