Found an email database with 250k users - what now?


New member
May 17, 2012
I feel a little seedy posting this, but just curious if I can do anything with an sql database I found with approx 250,000 names/emails.

Seems like it would be pretty tricky to do anything with unless I was in the Russian mob, but just curious...

PM Faceblogger, he is WF Found Email Database forum guide. Please avoid PMing Jeffrey and IceToEskimos, they may use the data in a very inappropriate way.

You can leave that list at the local police station in the box marked "Lost and Found sql Databases".

Make sure you fill out a claim form though, because if nobody else claims that list in 90 days, it's yours!
[ame=]Pizza (Rémi GAILLARD) - YouTube[/ame]