format for an seo proposal

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
care to share me your proposal? :D

not that i am incompetent in writing a proposal. but writing a proposal that can persuade your client to pull deeper into their pocket is kinda hard.

me currently working on two sites. one is a med product supplier, the other one is an IT service. difficult...difficult task it is...the dark side has clouded my chances for winning in the SERP's. :(

so help me my master...

Well, maybe the first question is, what do you plan on doing for them exactly? Are you going to guarantee a certain result?
i think more to convincing them that if they're willing to pay for online adv such as paid listing. they can improve their sales...well, that sort of stuff...

i'm not really good at making sales copy. so i was hoping someone can give me an example. well, thanks in advanced tho...
Post your first draft and I'll at least give some opinions... maybe others would be willing to help too... but not too many people want to do your work for you
Payton said:
Post your first draft and I'll at least give some opinions... maybe others would be willing to help too... but not too many people want to do your work for you

okay, sorry for that...really, i don't mean to be a leecher or anything. but i just thought others could benefit from this thread ( lame excuse eh? ).

but please forgive me mastah! i'll post it a.s.a.p!! :D
It's tough to sell SEO to somebody that dosen't know anything about it. SEO is very undervalued at the moment. If somebody isn't coming to you in deperate need of SEO, it's difficult to get what it's worth out of them. This is why a lot of decent SEO's just run and market their own sites.
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