First! New updates eh?

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I like the new tabs feature, It is gonna take some time for me getting used to the new sidebar. Nice surprise when I logged in today morning.

Keep giving your feedback. We'll actually listen. It was a collaborative effort. Went through a ton of drafts so far.

Maybe aside for just saying "I hate it" or "this sucks" = Give us some feedback on what you would suggest we change it to or replace it with, or just make certain tweaks and additions to make it better looking or more customizable perhaps?

I love the NP tabbing because it has the flexibility of keeping things organized, without making it look generic like every other damn forum out there. Congestion is an issue, but so is organizing.

We are trying to expand the sections and reach in resources without making it look too proper. Its just our style ya know? Promise 50 things, do 2 of them. Gawd!

All rocks. Thanks for providing such an excellent free resource.
I just realized there were ads in the sidebar of that screenshot... I guess I'm the only one using adblock plus...

I would but since I make my living off of the internet (including advertising) I think it would be kinda shitty for me go around and fuck with other peoples income by blocking their ads while still viewing their content.

Besides, I'm not easily distracted by shiny, blinky things.
I just realized there were ads in the sidebar of that screenshot... I guess I'm the only one using adblock plus...

I'm using it too, but you can still see the empty box when you visit the homepage and put two and two together. It comes out to 5.

On a serious note, the sidebar looks kind of weird since there are only 4 ads and it doesn't stretch down very far.

It's not like I spend time on the homepage though....
I would but since I make my living off of the internet (including advertising) I think it would be kinda shitty for me go around and fuck with other peoples income by blocking their ads while still viewing their content.

Besides, I'm not easily distracted by shiny, blinky things.

Too bad I'll never see your ads.
The main purpose of the sidebar is the quick registration form, which you can't see unless you're logged out. Nonetheless, if anyone has suggestions for things we can add to the sidebar then post them here or IM me.
We're just playing around with some new ideas. Nothing is final just yet.

As for the top ad spot.. looks like we're going to be moving to an in-house style cpc model. But flat rate depending on the niche/industry, so no bidding, and prices will depend on market price conversions.

Currently, the price stands at $5k/mo. But I wouldn't suggest to anyone to buy that right now.. plus we have a new advertiser that came out of left fuckin field. As soon as they've approved the ad changes we suggested, they'll go live. I couldn't believe it myself when they contacted me. Thought it was Stanley or Brandon playing a joke on me. lol -- Its a car company.. you'll see soon.
Jon, why don't you take advantage of this number?: Currently Active Users: 1,036 (55 members and 981 guests).

I've seen some forums that serve prominent advertising to users that haven't registered or are not logged in.
And considering the average amount of guests active on WickedFire...

The benefits are threefold really:

1) more prominent advertising / more revenue
2) people can get rid of the ads by registering, so it's not intrusive
3) unregistered people are incentivized to signup
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