First! New updates eh?

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
I spot a namepros style remake, or maybe i'm just fucking stupid. What do you guys think? Sidebar is kinda gay but I think I'll get use to it.


Keep giving your feedback. We'll actually listen. It was a collaborative effort. Went through a ton of drafts so far.

Maybe aside for just saying "I hate it" or "this sucks" = Give us some feedback on what you would suggest we change it to or replace it with, or just make certain tweaks and additions to make it better looking or more customizable perhaps?

I love the NP tabbing because it has the flexibility of keeping things organized, without making it look generic like every other damn forum out there. Congestion is an issue, but so is organizing.

We are trying to expand the sections and reach in resources without making it look too proper. Its just our style ya know? Promise 50 things, do 2 of them. Gawd!
All the hatred put aside, the additional advertising isn't meant to worsen your user experiences. Our goal is solely to better our bottom-line. We run far less advertising than most of the forums out there, and sidebar ads are probably the least intrusive ads that we could think of. We're in the process of adding other features and forum sections to WickedFire - but we're not philanthropists, and managing a forum of this size takes time and money.
tabs are good, got the domaining section out of the way.. sidebar is ugly but revenue has to be made somehow
absolutely love the tabs! The sidebar will take some getting used too if all it has is ads. Not sure if I would rather have them there or on the top of the page under the header though (that was my other idea for positioning).
absolutely love the tabs! The sidebar will take some getting used too if all it has is ads. Not sure if I would rather have them there or on the top of the page under the header though (that was my other idea for positioning).
Yeah same, once the sidebar fills up a little bit I think it'll look much better. Right now if just looks odd.

Thanks for not doing something gay like making the 1st reply an ad, etc.

Edit: I think it would be nice if you cleared the tools buttons of the top of the page (maybe put them in tabs?), put the wickedfire logo left of the actual vbulletin "header".

Enjoy my photoshop skills:
I never go to the front page - but it wouldn't matter if I did, because I'm pretty ad blind, as I'm sure most people here are.

But - if you added something else to the sidebar like the latest posts ajax thing which you used before - then it may draw some more attention to it.

One thing I did notice was that when I selected a tab on the home page, came back to this thread page, then click the home page link again, the same tab was showing, not the main tab - nothing much really
Have to agree with beejeebers with the strategy of putting the banners up the top as opposed to the side, which is a tiny bit gay.

Aside from that, it's the content that matters :)

Instead of the sidebar, why not do some 125 x 125 banners below the big honkin' one at the top?

Like this one: GreenguyandJim's Adult Webmaster Message Board And Chat - Powered by vBulletin

I don't like the sidebar crap, but rarely visit the homepage so don't really care that much.
I agree and btw those are 120 x 60

Honestly you should put them below the must read before posting sticky. Either also or as an alt. Most people on here are add blind like one person said so it would not be to bad.

Either that or a box under the red bar.

One thing I would suggest is some sort of script so that users have the option to not show them. Make them have to pay to get this available. Since we all do leach and that is your source of revenue to support the forum.

I really do not like the sidebar thing for 3 reasons.

1. It shrinks up my damn page.
2. There are only banners/ads in it.
3. I think doing it elsewhere would be better.

If you fill up the box on the right with some other things. I think I would mind it less.

Hell keep the banners there and add them to the top. No one should get mad we are all here to make money. Just not all DP. Which could never be done because this skin is the cats ass.

I think an easy way to add content to the sidebar is to allow Admins and such to place text links to a blog of their choice. They do a lot of work and do deserve some up front exposure. Maybe throw in a rick roll link on one of them now and again.
Jon, Do you have statistics on the header leaderboard advertisement spot?

If so please e-mail to me.

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