First Kanye, Now 50 Cent 'Curtis' Leaked...

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ahh, thanks for the heads up... actually I got a letter the other day from my ISP saying that they had tracked my download of Adobe CS3... the funny thing is that I actually have a LEGIT license of CS3 but the Adobe licensing download site was down for like 2 days so I just decided to download a torrent and use my legitimate license.

Thanks stanley... how did you find out they were in court?
Why are you guys d/l'ing this, only the clean version has been leaked. Unless your mommy and daddy don't want you to download the parental advisory album.
Terrible day for human kind. 50 cent's music can be used as weapon of mass destruction...
wow 50's album sucked, awful lyrics. I liked ayo technology and "i get money", but that was it. I like everyone one of Kanye West's songs except "drunk and hot girls".
I agree. I mean Kanye's 100x better than 50 anyway... the only thing catchy about 50's songs are the beats, which are usually done by em or dre or talented producer. Also I like kanye because he sings about real issues... and kind of makes fun of the lime light and what not. 50's lyrics could basically be done by anyone else in the game...
Is it wrong that I think they're both pretentious little bitches?

well i think aim is right in saying Kanye is a bit different from your average mainstream rapper. Mainly because he often talks about the insecurities and double standards that himself and hip hop culture tends to spit out. It's one thing to flaunt your status, it's another to recognize that you are still only human.
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