First Ipad...


Congrat man ! I am using my iPad daily and cannot get rid if it. When I am in the cab or everytime I am on the move I take it. A great too it is ! Also I do not buy new paper anymore. I get the economist, the new York time and le monde on it ! Really great apps !

Take care.
Which browser are you using? I use Atomic Web Browser.

Hey you should check out the Dolphin browser (some suggested a cpl weeks ago). It's really slick you can draw a letter to go to fav sites like a W for WF ect and has tabbed browsing and some other cool features
Dolphin is very nice! Wish new Android phones shipped with it instead of the half assed browser they come with. It also has a lot of handy plugins that you can access by swiping right to left.
Just got the same iPad 2 myself about a month ago and paid about the same. I was really on the fence at first but it's grown on me. I honestly never thought i'd buy a tablet, but I did to try it out and its fun to have.

I don't use it at all like a laptop, really just to check things out from bed like campaigns, wf, email, watch netflix and play some dumb games etc. It's so light its cool and always just an arms reach away. And of course, its a lot easier to take around with you on an airplane vs a big laptop bag.
I've got an iPad in my closet that hasn't been touched since May. I have a Nook Color on my desk that hasn't been turned on since around the same time. I have two HP Touchpads that I used like twice.

Tablets have lost their novelty to me. However, HP just announced that WebOS is going to be open sourced, which is awesome. Once that happens, I'll probably turn on a tablet against.

Name your price for the ipad and HP pads
A comment about Flash on these mobile devices:

Windows CE supported Flash since 2001. I remember playing a Flash game on on a Windows CE PDA all the way back in 2003.

iPads/iPhones are overrated in general.
Abdulfattah Jandali = biological father of Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs’ Passion for Diversity

“Can you help us hire black engineers?” That unexpected question marked the beginning of my unique friendship with Apple’s late co-founder.


Name your price for the ipad and HP pads

Had I known I would get swamped with offers via PM, I would have added this to my post:

I'm giving the tablets I have to family members for Christmas. But if people really want a $99 Touchpad, HP is selling them on Sunday the 11th at 6pm CST on their eBay page.

If I was to buy another tablet, I'd get a Kindle Fire. There are going to be so many ROMs out for that thing in a month or two... and I've found ten inch tablets to just be too big.
i just dont like them. I bought my wife one and my kids all have ipods and I just dont see the interest in them personally.

Desktop + laptop for me every day.
Why 3G version? If you have an iPhone or Android device, u can enable wifi sharing on it and just log onto the net that way. I'd only get the 3G version if you're going to be constantly using the 3G connection. I got cheap 16gb wifi one - I don't see how people are using 64gb on these devices.
Why 3G version? If you have an iPhone or Android device, u can enable wifi sharing on it and just log onto the net that way. I'd only get the 3G version if you're going to be constantly using the 3G connection. I got cheap 16gb wifi one - I don't see how people are using 64gb on these devices.

A movies like 1-2gb? So 32-64 movies?
If any system of beliefs would cause you to turn down a sweet piece of ass like Halle Berry, I'd say it's time to rethink your position on things.

Wait, I wouldn't fuck Halle Barry, I'm just not attracted to black chicks, does that make me a racist :p