First Affiliate Summit - Suggestions?


Let's make $$$ together
Apr 1, 2007
This will be my very first affiliate summit (in Jan 2010). I was wondering if anyone wanted to give a noob some advice on the topic. What are some things you recommend to get the most out of the experience? What are the top 'dos' and 'donts' while there? What (or who) should I avoid while at the summit? What are some of the things that are most beneficial and what things are a big waste of time.

Thanks ahead of time.

Get drunk, hand out business cards. That's what I did and it worked much better than expected.
Make sure to bring a fleshlight, a shakeweight, plenty of lube and you're visit will be EPIC.
Bring plenty of condoms. Not the ones you get at the truck stop bathroom, take your cheap ass to CVS or Walgreens and get a box.
1. Set up as many meetings as possible.
2. Let the person buy you a drink.
3. Ready to throw up? No? Go to step 1.
4. Puke first, hit buffet second.
5. Casino till 5am
6. 2 hours of sleep
7. Go to step 1

Theres a hidden step somewhere in here that always has me swimming in the Bellaggio fountains, I'll figure it out this trip.
I was going to suggest eggs, but this is good too.

Or try to find out what room he's in. Charge your breakfasts to his room if you're in the same hotel.

I know a guy that was ACTUALLY Tared and Feathered for breaking the communities rule. Looking for the video but can't find it.

I'm thinking Mr. Yu could deserve a similar faith.
Good question... This will be my first Summit too but I've been to plenty of ad:techs. If it's anything like ad:tech (but geared more towards Affiliates) I would set up meetings with the companies that you already do business with, meet your contacts within those companies in person (it always helps to put a face to a name), figure out how you can do more business together over dinner and some drinks!

Many times you'll meet new contacts through the people that you already work with. Go to the parties, find the right places to hang out and just enjoy it. I wish I knew more about Vegas and the Summit so I could help you with the parties and places to go but maybe someone else can point us in the right direction!

I've found that if you just go with the flow, have fun, talk to people, drink and party you can't go wrong. You'll be surprised how many people that you meet at these events will become good friends and contacts and you'll be able to work together in many ways. Good luck and have fun!

oh yeah...just like UnripeArbiter said bring LOTS of business cards - they disappear too fast and you can never have enough!