Firefox 4

Who the fuck cares about how much RAM programs use these days? Are your computers really so shitty that you never have free RAM available? I can't remember the last time I looked and saw less than 2-3GB of free RAM on my PC... Anywho, screw Firefox. It's a bloated piece of crap now.
Also, I guess windows 7 manages memory a lot different than previous versions of windows. Basically apps are given all the memory they have used (the max sort of) and memory is only freed as other applications request it. Something like that.

I don't think I like the new tabs system, so I'm still using the older version of Firefox, but from I hear it's a great upgrade all around. I'll switch one day, I guess...
Fuccckkk, they changed the open in tab or window around, keep opening shit in a new window.
Haha, yeah, this. Biggest issue I have right now. I don't automatically open new windows anymore, but creating new tabs is a little slower for me during the adjustment period. Maybe I'll learn the Ctrl+T shortcut instead.

After I moved the tab bar, I was sold. It's fast, works good. All of the important plugins still work.

The black outlines around the URL and search bars keep catching my eye, and the lack of a status bar is weird, too.
I don't think I like the new tabs system, so I'm still using the older version of Firefox, but from I hear it's a great upgrade all around. I'll switch one day, I guess...

If you are talking about the new location of tabs, you can right click and uncheck "tabs on top".

Here is an explanation of why it was changed.....

[ame=]YouTube - Why Tabs are on Top in Firefox 4[/ame]
Fuccckkk, they changed the open in tab or window around, keep opening shit in a new window.

Been having the same exact problem, always accidentally opening pages in new windows instead of tabs via the right-click menu.

Other than that and some small but annoying bugs with flash, it's been pretty fast.
Another useful one you may not know: CTRL (CMD on Mac) + click a link to open it in a new tab.
I mapped mousewheel click to open in new tab. That is the shit, started doing that a year or two ago, it helps soooo much. I would marry that feature if I could. I feel sorry for one-button-mouse people...
I mapped mousewheel click to open in new tab. That is the shit, started doing that a year or two ago, it helps soooo much. I would marry that feature if I could. I feel sorry for one-button-mouse people...

I also open links in new tabs with a mouse scroll wheel click. Much faster than right clicking and selecting from a menu. :thumbsup: