Finding Your Passion - But How?

I really have no idea how to find a passion.

I have taken interest in so many damn things and I always end up bored or disliking it. {removed the massive list of things I've taken interest in and ended up bored with}

Shit, I've just given up finding a "passion". I was just want to make enough damn money not to have to hate some other 9-5 for the rest of my life.

I've actually put alot of thought into this and I really cannot think of anything that I would not get bored with after a couple years.

Do you turn a profit from internet marketing ventures? Does it enable you to live a comfortable life?

I'm just wondering because I too, don't find a lot of enjoyment in most things and it makes it difficult to do stuff because it all sounds like bullshit to me. Cognitive fallacy, I know, but that's just how I see things. If nothing is really fun, what's the difference between earning lots of money and working a minimum wage job?

Real passion, and not some flirtation or obsession, requires a philosophy and a direction.

If you don't have a raison d'etre, then it is incredibly hard to invest yourself emotionally in something without it being superficial and temporary.

Who are you? Why are you here? What are your values?

Answering those sorts of questions can help sharpen focus.

I love life, I am driven to move towards my future and I feel that my motivation comes from a deeper understanding of the world and my place in it.

I dunno - I found that my priorities were eating intense-tasting jelly beans, laughing at sheep and staring at the moving patterns in the carpet.

Not sure how that's gonna help him.

So you didn't become a taste tester, a farmer or an upholsterer? You missed the whole point man.
The weird thing is I really don't know what I'm passionate about.

Me neither.

Real passion, and not some flirtation or obsession, requires a philosophy and a direction.

If you don't have a raison d'etre, then it is incredibly hard to invest yourself emotionally in something without it being superficial and temporary.

Who are you? Why are you here? What are your values?

Answering those sorts of questions can help sharpen focus.

I love life, I am driven to move towards my future and I feel that my motivation comes from a deeper understanding of the world and my place in it.


Knowing what your passionate about is not an overnight thing. Others even take years or half of their lifetime to discover what is it they love doing. Unfortunately for some, they die right before they even discover it.

I think it all boils down to trying new things and if it feels good, then perhaps it might be a good sign.

A job will never be called a job if you love doing it, money will just be a reward and not your motivation - this is how I define passion.
First of all, passions can come and go. It's not necessarily something that you keep your whole life (though I wouldn't call it a passion unless you spend a few years on it).

I would say travel somewhere by yourself. Every time I travel I come home with new goals and a different view of life, even if it's just going to New York for a week, almost never fail to change me.
Open up a word document.

Write in these 3 titles,

[FONT=&quot]Things I am grateful for, and love.[/FONT][FONT=&quot]
[FONT=&quot]Things that make me happy.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Life Long Training[/FONT].

Fill them in as much as possible over a long period of time. Your passion will begin to look back at you as you reflect on amalgamating elements from the three groups.

After you have a sufficient amount of entries which come from YOU, no one else, no influences, nothing else but you. Add the following to the word document.







Begin filling these in WHILE keeping in mind the entries from the 3 earlier questions.

That's how I plan on doing it anyways, and my document has developed nicely.

Good luck!
Here's an idea, what about: learn how to windsurf and start a windsurfing resort somewhere . Windsurfing is an awesome sport, or kite..whatever never did that, well, body dragged once... that was fun :)

Surfiing is cool too, but if you like extreme action with constant demand on your body then windsurfing is better.
I've done pretty well over the years I've been doing this. But my drive was always making money. Now that I'm pretty comfortable, I want to do something I'm super passionate about and something I'll love. Ironically I think this will result in even more money, but that's not 100% of my focus - I want to do something I love.

The weird thing is I really don't know what I'm passionate about. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember, I've tried many ways at making money online and ended up in the e-commerce business to make my money.

So I'm curious on your thoughts about passion, doing what you love, how to find it, etc

:stop: PS: If your going to post something negative or stupid, don't bother, let's keep it positive.

If you don't know what you're passionate about, it can't really be a passion. You need to find something you're really into then work at it, that way it might end up being a passion.
Who are you? Why are you here? What are your values?

Aside for the last question, those first two are some serious existential questions that not even the biggest thinkers in history were able to answer. I don't think asking himself those questions would get him anywhere... I have to agree with leadsupplier, asking yourself: "what would I do for free?" is the way to go.

OP, if you like business and ideas, why don't you start a small tech company? Get an office, hire 1 or 2 fresh college graduates and start incubating some ideas.
Aside for the last question, those first two are some serious existential questions that not even the biggest thinkers in history were able to answer.
If you don't know what your values are, and you don't see life as purposeful, then you're fucked. And a lot of people are fucked for those reasons.

You don't have to be Aristotle to have some idea of right and wrong, good and bad, and to have some end you are working towards beyond your immediate need for food, sex, sleep etc.
^ I agree about values, I was just saying that OP should stay away from questions like "Who are you" and "why are you here" because those are 2 questions that he will never find an answer to.
Espresso, or any coffee for that matter, is a good thing! :)

Seriously, with so many affiliate programs out there, there's got to be something that piques your interest.
Only a few Lucky people get to make money from doing what they are Passionate about.
For the me, I have been lucky that I am passionate about almost anything I start to do.
Well, I wasn't passionate about about a few things, like playing the Guitar or the Piano or Painting, so I quit those early in life.

But I get pretty passionate about doing a lot of other stuff that I do.
Breaking down stuff, building stuff, fucking, chasing tails, and mostly building sites, Also selling stuff, talking to people.. Oh I just love that..... have sold multi million dollar bloated enterprise software and maintenance of the same to American and British suckers for Indian Outsourcing companies and I can't even speak Engrish propahly . . Have sold household electrical products... Motorcycles... the works...

If I get bored of something, I move on to another, but never an Idle day. Never a Fucking Idle day.. Well I wasted a couple months on a Crazy Facebook Game, but I recovered, and I have deleted/blocked that game.
I am one of those crazy motherfuckers who dreads the thought of taking a Vacation. I am forced to take vacations, and I get pretty pissed because My wife won't allow me to take the Laptop. And I look forward to waking up each day and start working again. I even dream of my work. Fuck me.

So far so good, except for the occasional headache from prolonged usage of Laptop.