Finding Your Passion - But How?


New member
Nov 9, 2009
The US of A
I've done pretty well over the years I've been doing this. But my drive was always making money. Now that I'm pretty comfortable, I want to do something I'm super passionate about and something I'll love. Ironically I think this will result in even more money, but that's not 100% of my focus - I want to do something I love.

The weird thing is I really don't know what I'm passionate about. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember, I've tried many ways at making money online and ended up in the e-commerce business to make my money.

So I'm curious on your thoughts about passion, doing what you love, how to find it, etc

:stop: PS: If your going to post something negative or stupid, don't bother, let's keep it positive.

i think it has to be something that you would do for free, or do in your spare time anyway.

for me, my passion would be to sell luxury and exotic cars. i'd obviously want to make money as well, but if i had to pick what i wanted to do all day, it would be to sell upscale cars ... o and guns :)
Try some different hobbies. You would be amazed how the stupidest hobby can turn into a passion you never knew you had.

I have never given two shits about fish, then I setup a saltwater aquarium and I absolutely love it! This is a hobby/passion that I will never outgrow and will never get tired of.
i think leadsupplier is on point. what would you do for free? what topics get you excited?

the real thing is trying new shit -- exposing yourself to new experiences. travel, try new foods, try new activities, etc. i think you'll find that you have a hard time finding your passion if you don't do anything.
The solution is in your pants!

No seriously, take some time to find your core inner motivators. What really makes you happy? Do you get satisfaction from building, breaking, helping, recognition, whatever..

For example, you could give of yourself to benefit underprivileged people, tons of satisfaction there, if that's what you need... Or build something for the community, for the kids.

Really analyze white drives you, to find the answer..
also, as a side note, tripping acid will help you figure out what your priorities are. just sayin.
i think it has to be something that you would do for free, or do in your spare time anyway.

I agree, it has to be something that I would do regardless of whether it makes money or not. Since I've spent the majority of my adult life trying to make money, I'm not sure what that thing is.
Why would anybody do anything for free, money is your motivator.

Keep grinding, and do some charity work in the weekend.
I've done pretty well over the years I've been doing this. But my drive was always making money. Now that I'm pretty comfortable, I want to do something I'm super passionate about and something I'll love. Ironically I think this will result in even more money, but that's not 100% of my focus - I want to do something I love.

The weird thing is I really don't know what I'm passionate about. I've been doing this for as long as I can remember, I've tried many ways at making money online and ended up in the e-commerce business to make my money.

So I'm curious on your thoughts about passion, doing what you love, how to find it, etc

:stop: PS: If your going to post something negative or stupid, don't bother, let's keep it positive.

I think you have to try a lot of different things and maybe get a bit lucky in the process.

Lucky, insofar as actually trying the thing (be it a sport, game, activity, new job or finding something online ) that lights that passion in you.

fwiw: for me it happened when I was 16 and got to drive. That was it. I had found what I was looking for. This love then morphed into street racing which morphed into organized formula car racing.

But I have to tell you, having a deep burning passion for anything is a double edge sword. It cuts both ways.

I'm not saying I would change the thousands and countless thousands of hours I put into my passionate pursuit. All I'm saying is that when I started down the path, I had No Clue of the length and epicness of the journey I was undertaking.
I'd emphasize two things: 1. You can be passionate about multiple ideas / interests. 2. Your passions will change over time.

To answer your question: It sounds like you have the time and the financial flexibility to pursue this. One approach would be to create new experiences -- meeting new people, reading new books, traveling, etc. By doing this, you'll assuredly stumble upon a lot of things you enjoy.

Alternatively, sit down with a pen and a notebook, and start writing. Think about the things that make you happy, how you would like others to perceive and remember you, and how you can positively impact other peoples' lives. You will develop an action plan.

I've done pretty well over the years I've been doing this. But my drive was always making money. Now that I'm pretty comfortable, I want to do something I'm super passionate about and something I'll love.

Just curious: Did you accomplish this all with AM? If so, SEO or paid traffic?

Also: Without stating figures, what is "comfortable"?
So I've realized my passion is business - I love working on new projects, putting together deals, negotiating with people, the thrill, etc...

It's just that I want to do something new, something big, and in a hot industry I'm passionate about. When I started this thread, I should've said I'm looking for a new passion within business - not outside of it. I know I love business, I'm just wanted to start a new venture because I'm bored as hell right now.

By the way for those of you asking I made my money in the eCommerce industry, most of it at least. And comfortable when I say it, is not having to work for the next 5 years without worrying about money at all.
To be honest I'd be more happy doing something with my hands like property developing/renovation, landscaping etc.

I like being off the computer more than I like being on it, put it that way.
To be honest I'd be more happy doing something with my hands like property developing/renovation, landscaping etc.

I like being off the computer more than I like being on it, put it that way.

You learn to hate your job.
You learn to hate your job.

Same with any industry. The thing that pisses me off with this one is the amount of risk in it and the dependency you always have on others to do business. For example like domain registers, paypal, merchants, affiliate networks, advertisers, Google there's always one that does something to piss you off it's the total lack of control that gets to me.

There's always someone who has an upper hand on you. Any one can just brush you aside. There's to many critical points of failure with the internet industry.
I really have no idea how to find a passion.

I have taken interest in so many damn things and I always end up bored or disliking it. {removed the massive list of things I've taken interest in and ended up bored with}

Shit, I've just given up finding a "passion". I was just want to make enough damn money not to have to hate some other 9-5 for the rest of my life.

I've actually put alot of thought into this and I really cannot think of anything that I would not get bored with after a couple years.
I guess we all are in it for money not charity, if you think otherwise then send me your donations.
I guess we all are in it for money not charity, if you think otherwise then send me your donations.:repuke:
I've actually put alot of thought into this and I really cannot think of anything that I would not get bored with after a couple years.


I get bored with everything once I figured it out. Still searching for something inspiring to do next that I can get excited about.
Why not offer to mentor young startups in your area, you could do this for free. Then possibly invest if the startup looks to be properly profitable.
also, as a side note, tripping acid will help you figure out what your priorities are. just sayin.

I dunno - I found that my priorities were eating intense-tasting jelly beans, laughing at sheep and staring at the moving patterns in the carpet.

Not sure how that's gonna help him.