Finding Backlinks

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
Most will agree that links to your website are the single most important factor in getting your website ranking well in search engines.

So you've started your linkbuilding campaign, got some links... but how do you keep track of them? The most commonly agreed upon technique is the Y! linkdomain: filter.

Go to and type in ""... replace with your domain name and extension.

The first command will grab a listing of all the webpages that are linking to anypage on your website, the second command (-site:) will exclude any internal links you have on your own website.

I've found that Y! has very fresh and accurate results. When I'm running a linkbuilding campaign, I check my backlinks daily. When I've been active building links, new links generally show up daily. This is also a great technique to use every now and then even on your established sites to make sure that your link count isn't dropping off for any reason.

That's a good amount of links ya got there.

I also forgot to mention that I! seems to list the links by level of importance.

Hint: Can also be a very good tool for picking up on your competition's links ;) .
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