finding arbi niches

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WTF? I have something you all can search for:


Usually I nod my head in agreement at your posts, but I don't have a fuckin clue what that is and google didn't really help.

Now - off to fix my lead water pipes.
This is going to sound like a cheap shill (and it is) but I *do* use Keyword Elite (see my sig).

It can be a bit slow, but its a "fire-and-forget" weapon.

Just crank it up and let it run. When you come back: BLAM. Thousands of niche keywords, and a website template system to deploy pages.
Yes, it is slow, so I just run it at midnight before bed and look at the results over coffee the next morning.

I have to agree with a previous comment that higher paying keywords are more valuable.
Its all a matter of ratios.
For me, I won't touch a keyword unless its paying at least $3 for the top bid, a minimum of 1.0 or better SD, and I can actually afford to send traffic to it to make my ROI minimum.

Then I spit out the template from Keyword Elite and create the folder - instant niche site. Finding niches that get past all my filters is slightly more time-consuming, but far less frustrating than "hunt-and-peck".

So go buy Keyword Elite now using my link in my sig, fuckers :)

I have it, how exactly do you let it find niches?

All it does is pull keywords for a particular keyword and does bid/overture analysis.
Do you people have any criteria for search volume when choosing a niche?
if you are using 7search, i wouldn't use anything that the main KW and the related KWs add up to less that 100k... you won't get many clicks. I will say if you find a very high paying KW - then that would be an exception. One of mine pays $1.50 or so/click - but only gets like 10k searches a month. I get a few clicks/day, make about $7 with about .18 cents spent...too bad it doesn't get more volume!

One reason I'm using those coupons to sign up w/ other networks other than 7search..
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