finding arbi niches

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New member
Nov 12, 2006
What do you guys do to find a niche? What do you look for in it?

Since YPN removed it's view bids tool now it's like a guessgame

I look out the window, there are millions of niches you can think of without even trying. If they don't work out then just shitcan that niche and find some more, I used to make at least 30-50 arbitrage sites a day, some of them didn't work out but its not really a big deal when you have 45 other ones that are making money.
I look out the window, there are millions of niches you can think of without even trying. If they don't work out then just shitcan that niche and find some more, I used to make at least 30-50 arbitrage sites a day, some of them didn't work out but its not really a big deal when you have 45 other ones that are making money.

The only thing out my window is a tree, can I still make money online?
The only thing out my window is a tree, can I still make money online?

didn't u ever hear the saying that money grows on trees?

edit: nevermind you said online. Sorry, you're out of luck lerchmo.
=) More serious note, uhh, I'm sure you were just kidding around but for other people this might be more informative. Try anything. Literally. At worst you can buy traffic at one cent(which may or may not give you much traffic), but if you can even get 5cent click outs and still get clicks, your making money. If the eCPM falls under $20(or whatever you think is a good ROI ratio) then drop it. try,try,try,try,try then try again!

I have found a couple niches by browsing the cj site and checking out the offers that look like they have a lot of competition. Guess where those offers are advertised.
Tree niches...

bonzai trees
wholesale lumber
discount woodchips
lawn vacuums
leaf rakes
maple syrup (mmm)
fossilized tree sap with mosquitos stuck inside so you can extract the blood and make dinosaurs
I'll definitely be watching this thread, maybe I'm just retarded, but I seem to have trouble finding good niches. Or, maybe I just don't know what a good niche is
What do you guys do to find a niche? What do you look for in it?
Since YPN removed it's view bids tool now it's like a guessgame

I've just done a quick & dirty app that I feed in a few thousand keywords & it spits out the top 10 in Google for each term. It gives the pagerank for the page & the root domain plus the number of competitors.

I then filter looking looking for sites that are in the top 10 but have a low PR etc. Once I've filtered those keywords I then check for search volume, CPC etc.
I've just done a quick & dirty app that I feed in a few thousand keywords & it spits out the top 10 in Google for each term. It gives the pagerank for the page & the root domain plus the number of competitors.

I then filter looking looking for sites that are in the top 10 but have a low PR etc. Once I've filtered those keywords I then check for search volume, CPC etc.

You do this for arbitrage niches?
I cut opne the guts of a stray cat and read its guts.

No strays, then I go to
Here are my two cents... pretty much what some others have said already.

I started out doing lots of research on keyword tools to figure out what should have the highest-paying ads. I got a lot of hits but a lot of misses too. Lately I've just been picking stuff at random, and I'm getting about the same ratio of hits and misses without all the wasted research time. I can cover topics a lot more quickly that way, so overall I get more hits. Also, some of my best niches don't have high-paying ads, but they do have cheap traffic and a high CTR. I never would have found them if I had been focused on keyword tool click value estimates. You can really only judge a niche by testing it, so instead of trying to improve your keyword research methods, you should redirect your efforts into streamlining your site creation so you can build and test more sites faster.
Look for keywords that pay well. It is hard to make money with arbi with low paying niches even if they get more volume. I can make a consistant 3 a click for one of my sites which nets me a solid $170 a day.
Look for keywords that pay well. It is hard to make money with arbi with low paying niches even if they get more volume. I can make a consistant 3 a click for one of my sites which nets me a solid $170 a day.

On YPN or Adsense?
This is going to sound like a cheap shill (and it is) but I *do* use Keyword Elite (see my sig).

It can be a bit slow, but its a "fire-and-forget" weapon.

Just crank it up and let it run. When you come back: BLAM. Thousands of niche keywords, and a website template system to deploy pages.
Yes, it is slow, so I just run it at midnight before bed and look at the results over coffee the next morning.

I have to agree with a previous comment that higher paying keywords are more valuable.
Its all a matter of ratios.
For me, I won't touch a keyword unless its paying at least $3 for the top bid, a minimum of 1.0 or better SD, and I can actually afford to send traffic to it to make my ROI minimum.

Then I spit out the template from Keyword Elite and create the folder - instant niche site. Finding niches that get past all my filters is slightly more time-consuming, but far less frustrating than "hunt-and-peck".

So go buy Keyword Elite now using my link in my sig, fuckers :)
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