Finally did it!


New member
Jul 6, 2009
I guess there is only so much reading one can do so I decided to make my first blog. It's going to be about MMA I know it's competitive but I made it becasue im passionite about it. I registered it on godaddy and hosted it on hosgator and just got wordpress installed on it just like 5mins ago lol It's if your intersted in checking it out. I havn't posted anything on it yet though. hmm... wat to

Time to make monies bros :p.

Good job taking the plunge.

You'll probably make a lot of mistakes but learn a lot.

Taking that first step is hard - I've finally put my first couple hundred bucks on the line for AM and lost 75% already

... but I have learned a SHIT TON for next round.
1st comment FTW!, good luck bro!
Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Good job taking the plunge.

You'll probably make a lot of mistakes but learn a lot.

Taking that first step is hard - I've finally put my first couple hundred bucks on the line for AM and lost 75% already

... but I have learned a SHIT TON for next round.

Thanks I do hope to learn alot and Good Luck to you.

You sending PPC traffic or trying to get listed organically?

SEO, Im jsut learning so i don't want to do PPC just yet, also I don't have much money to invest.

Hey where did you get that theme from?

It's called
jarrah 1.5 by marsian
Thanks for commenting on my blog!

Thanks I do hope to learn alot and Good Luck to you.

SEO, Im jsut learning so i don't want to do PPC just yet, also I don't have much money to invest.

It's called
jarrah 1.5 by marsian

If I were you, I would look into getting a .com man. You are going to have a hell of a time bringing that site up the ladder. Google has taken away weight on the .info domains cause they are so cheap and have obviously been abused because of that.

It's also not very memorable to people. A lot of people are idiots and will go to the .com.
If I were you, I would look into getting a .com man. You are going to have a hell of a time bringing that site up the ladder. Google has taken away weight on the .info domains cause they are so cheap and have obviously been abused because of that.

It's also not very memorable to people. A lot of people are idiots and will go to the .com.

Yeah your right, but im kind of stuck with it now lol I'll change it later. Right now im just focousing on getting a bit of content up.
Just back from school and im ready to do a few hours work on my website :). I had 59 unique vistors yesterday for my 1st day im not sure if thats good or not but i am happy with that but Most were probably from this site though.

Ok well im going to write some more content and look for a autoposter ( I remember reading about one here somewhere I'll have to search around) Im going to sign up to a popular MMA forum and put the link in my sig and make some quality posts on that website, make some ezine articles and well I'll have to think about what I'll do next.

Im having fun doing this :)

btw feel free to comment on anything on my website if you don't like it or something that i should be doing I would greatly appreciate it, thanks :).
Set yourself up with some analytics (Google Analytics is fine and free). You don't want to guess from where visitors are arriving, or what keywords they are using to find your site.

I'm with the previous poster on the .info Not worth putting too much effort into for search traffic, but okay and cheap for practice if you're not expecting any Google rankings.
I have a thought. Yeah a newbie one at that. How about he puts some affiliate ads on his blog that pay a decent sign-up, ref rate, but not sales. Next get an account at TrekPay where the members have to click on one of his ads to get credit.

Think it might work guys ?
Good job! Jump on in!

Now you should do some keyword research. What keywords do you want people to find you with? (MMA is too tough - get a niche). I use Market Samurai to figure this part out. I recommend you go after something ~5000 searches per month according to Google's Keyword Tool, and see how hard the Top 10 looks to crack.

Then start on-page SEOing your site for those keywords. Say it's "Learn MMA" or something. Get it in Title, H1, Meta tags, in the page content, etc.

Then start looking at ways to get backlinks. Start by doing things manually... learn the ropes. Comment on related blogs, get some friends and followers, twitter, social bookmarking sites (look beyond the obvious digg/reddit/delicious/stumbleupon sites too). Post a few articles on goarticles and see if that ever drives traffic. Bookmark those articles too.

Look at how people create linkwheels and consider making your own. Content on your own site is best, but it could be good to have some action pointed at you too.

Are you active in any MMA/health/fitness forums? Drop a link WHERE APPROPRIATE. Don't spam.

Maybe find a cheap press release service announcing your launch and sell on some benefits that your site brings. You can grab a few backlinks here.

After you get the hang of things and see what works, you can start outsourcing/automating.

Then keep writing and writing.. good content + SEO + bookmarks/backlinks dominates. Go after long-tail stuff. If your main keyword is "Learn MMA", for instance, maybe you should also write posts on Learning Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and have MMA sprinkled in there as well.

Do this for a month and watch traffic grow. After that - monetize. If you can't get accepted anywhere, go to and find a store selling boxing gloves and headgear and stuff. Maybe even recommend some fat burners (for the guys who are cutting) and weight gainers (for the bulkers) off of If all else fails, use Amazon Associates and take your 6.5% commission.

Your first efforts will suck, and in a year you'll look back and laugh. This is learning time. Try not to spend too much until you see what works for you manually.
Hey, I just noticed this you NEED to change your permalink structure.

Go to your dashboard > settings > permalinks

Select the custom radio button

enter this in the field


Then create (or edit if it exsits) a file called .htaccess in your document root

Lastly write to the file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

And there you have it, a much search engine friendlier url structure.

Your permalinks (url to individual posts and cats) will be

Use this to target your longtails. ie, if you had a local dojo paying you for leads you could drop some cool stuff in your url like

This is just an example but I think you will follow what I'm dropping here.

Use something like the google keyword tool, or even a paid research tool to find what your intended audience is searching for.
oops, one more thing, you don't have a sitemap and for wordpress it's way too easy to setup!

search the plugins for Google XML Sitemaps

follow the directions and setup your sitemap. It's a neat little plugin as it not only automatically updates your sitemap when you post, it also sends them to the SE's
Both of those comments are excellent - it's SEO/Wordpress 101 but important to learn and get into the habit of doing both of those things every time you make a site.

It's been mentioned on other threads, but the Google XML Sitemap plugin along with All-In-One SEO and a couple of others are no-brainers. I also recommend the WP Super-Cache plugin for keeping the site lean and fast.
Set yourself up with some analytics (Google Analytics is fine and free). You don't want to guess from where visitors are arriving, or what keywords they are using to find your site.

I'm with the previous poster on the .info Not worth putting too much effort into for search traffic, but okay and cheap for practice if you're not expecting any Google rankings.

I signed up with google analytics, It is awesome, thank you so much :).


Good job! Jump on in!

Now you should do some keyword research. What keywords do you want people to find you with? (MMA is too tough - get a niche). I use Market Samurai to figure this part out. I recommend you go after something ~5000 searches per month according to Google's Keyword Tool, and see how hard the Top 10 looks to crack.

Then start on-page SEOing your site for those keywords. Say it's "Learn MMA" or something. Get it in Title, H1, Meta tags, in the page content, etc.

Then start looking at ways to get backlinks. Start by doing things manually... learn the ropes. Comment on related blogs, get some friends and followers, twitter, social bookmarking sites (look beyond the obvious digg/reddit/delicious/stumbleupon sites too). Post a few articles on goarticles and see if that ever drives traffic. Bookmark those articles too.

Look at how people create linkwheels and consider making your own. Content on your own site is best, but it could be good to have some action pointed at you too.

Are you active in any MMA/health/fitness forums? Drop a link WHERE APPROPRIATE. Don't spam.

Maybe find a cheap press release service announcing your launch and sell on some benefits that your site brings. You can grab a few backlinks here.

After you get the hang of things and see what works, you can start outsourcing/automating.

Then keep writing and writing.. good content + SEO + bookmarks/backlinks dominates. Go after long-tail stuff. If your main keyword is "Learn MMA", for instance, maybe you should also write posts on Learning Brazilian Ju-Jitsu and have MMA sprinkled in there as well.

Do this for a month and watch traffic grow. After that - monetize. If you can't get accepted anywhere, go to and find a store selling boxing gloves and headgear and stuff. Maybe even recommend some fat burners (for the guys who are cutting) and weight gainers (for the bulkers) off of If all else fails, use Amazon Associates and take your 6.5% commission.

Your first efforts will suck, and in a year you'll look back and laugh. This is learning time. Try not to spend too much until you see what works for you manually.

Yup I used googles keyword tool, I picked about 5 keywords to aim for they get around 2,000 - 10,000 searches per month. I also looked at the competiton and see what they are doing. I made an article on enzine and signed up for a twitter account and signed up to a few MMA and Health forums. I plan to frequent there for a few weeks make a few good posts then start putting my links where appropiate.

Im not too sure what "linkwheels" are I will have a search of this forum after. I will try to make some money after a month my goal is to make enough for the hosting :).

Oh yeah thank you for this AWESOME post, you really helped alot.

Good luck bro

Hey ...thats a great thing to start up with....wish u good luck


Thank you :).

Hey, I just noticed this you NEED to change your permalink structure.

Go to your dashboard > settings > permalinks

Select the custom radio button

enter this in the field


Then create (or edit if it exsits) a file called .htaccess in your document root

Lastly write to the file

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]

And there you have it, a much search engine friendlier url structure.

Your permalinks (url to individual posts and cats) will be

Use this to target your longtails. ie, if you had a local dojo paying you for leads you could drop some cool stuff in your url like

This is just an example but I think you will follow what I'm dropping here.

Use something like the google keyword tool, or even a paid research tool to find what your intended audience is searching for.

Ok I changed my permalinks. For the .htaccess file i had a problem with it. I created a file in notepad put in your code then I uploaded it but I can't seem to find it, lol I don't know if it's working or not.

Thanks for your GREAT post, you helped alot :).

oops, one more thing, you don't have a sitemap and for wordpress it's way too easy to setup!

search the plugins for Google XML Sitemaps

follow the directions and setup your sitemap. It's a neat little plugin as it not only automatically updates your sitemap when you post, it also sends them to the SE's

Thanks again dudee :).

Both of those comments are excellent - it's SEO/Wordpress 101 but important to learn and get into the habit of doing both of those things every time you make a site.

It's been mentioned on other threads, but the Google XML Sitemap plugin along with All-In-One SEO and a couple of others are no-brainers. I also recommend the WP Super-Cache plugin for keeping the site lean and fast.

Yeah I Installed the ALL-IN-ONE SEO and Google XML plugin, I'll look for the SUper Cache plugin .Im looking through the most popular plugins and looking for good one to install.

Thanks for your post :)

Anyway I'm going to concentrate on making more content tomorow, Im going to show people basic stances and submissions in MMA I think these will be useful for beginners to know. Anyway it's 3am time for sleep :).