Few TrafficVance questions

btw is there any ppv company bigger than TrafficVance? You would literally have to bid on the top 100 websites or have like 50 mini targets to see any serious traffic just for one offer. I am bidding on 5 top 100 sites and I can't even spend more than 500ish a day. I like ppv but this volume kinda sucks.

I think you would be better off trying something else. The "low" volume compared with a shit load of competition sucks now. Probably why these "blog gurus" aren't worried about outing any ppv methods they probably got outplayed and now they just spill the beans.

I appreciate the candor.

The other thing I haven't mentioned is that I know (as in real life) another person doing TV who concentrates in certain verticals - he is doing this full time and has offered advice within reason for the other stuff I want to do - that was one of my bigger reasons to go with TV.
I see some campaigns in Neverblue, wants contextual traffic, but not from TV, does it mean they fed up with it ?
I will drop a bit of knowledge .

1. Actually I think it is 55 % Female to 45 % Male
2. P202 is good just make sure that if you do any volume that it is on at least a VPS or you will be wasting money .
3. No one is going to give you a Niche , you will need to test, test , test . Some Vertical are super competitive and others not so much .
4. You just got to test and see what happens , I suggest you install their toolbar and see what others are doing – I am not saying rip Landers or anything but you will need to be creative – remember these user probably see the same crap over and over , However TV is better than other as they don’t show ads every time you go to a different website .
TV is by far the best PPV network , they do have some cons- limited Intl Traffic and it also requires an additional 1 K deposit . But they probably have the best quality of traffic . They approve ads pretty quick , they can be anal sometimes but not too bad.
I submitted an application a week ago and I got a response from a girl named Amy who asked some follow up questions to which I responded to but I haven't heard from her since.

Standard procedure over there.

Unless you are successful with other traffic source you might not want to try out trafficvance anymore because there are too many faggots bidding on offer urls nowadays.

lol, awesome.