FEB 2011- High PR 7 to 3 Auto Approve Dofollow Blog Pages v19 (Latest List)

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there's only 1 ! comment closed - the real value is in the diversity of these quality links anyway - not one page . I was merely trying to point the effect some idiots can have. It's probably one if the best comment list I have bought ( even with one ! comment closed )


That site you're talking about had already closed comments across the domain (I got there fast). It wasn't anything to do with the buyers of the list, just bad timing. Agreed on the high quality of the list, I have no idea how Rukshan digs these gems up.
Did you consider offering also the posting for this service ? Or do you have somebody here on the forum that can you recomend for posting the comments ?
Is this still available? Or have you got another thread for March's list?
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