Fav quote

Your a cunt

....obvious idiot is obvious

I was thinking of you when I coined that quote. Your a muse. An inspiration. Go fuck a knuckle.


Oh internet how I <3 thee..
You're unpredictable, and that can be the difference between success and failure. Most people make decisions in anger, fear, love, or obligation. You make decisions to irritate people. - Kim Harrison

The only stupid question is the one that remains unasked - My Own
"There comes a time in every man's life, and I've had plenty of them."

Casey Stengel

Clanton- "What's that Holiday Twelve Hands in a Row? Nobody's that damn Lucky."

Doc- "Why Ike, What Ever Do You Mean? Maybe Pokers Just not your Game Ike. I know....Let's have a Spelling Contest!" Tombstone

"Why Don't you go out back and play a Game of Hide and Go Fuck yourself"-Me

"Rehab is for Quitters"

IM Related Quotes that I probably got from someone here... I keep two posted on 8.5x11 Portrait pages written in Black Sharpie Right above my monitors-

"Change Your Frame."

"Keep Grinding"
"You gotta be can we do you think if we can make a should just be alone?"
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that matters"

- Winston Churchill