Fat kid screams for his life

Seriously I think you could consider this reckless endangerment.. that fat kid looks like he just about fell right out of that shit!

That looks like a slingshot type ride and I doubt it had a floor. Looks like your typical carnival slapped together ride and I would bet was actually a real near death experience for the kid

Janice... you's an evil bitch

Guess he didnt see the sign saying YOU MUST BE THIS THIN TO RIDE THIS ATTRACTION.

Are his feet planted on a floor to this ride, or dangling? If a floor, then he can simply push himself up and not be strangled here. I've watched this video several times in fascination and still trying to figure how there was so much slack in the straps for him to slink down that far, I have to assume he just scrunched down in fear but was able to control his fate with his feet if he needed to push back up so as not to strangle himself?

I believe I've figured out what went wrong. At the beginning she says keep your feet on the rail. Obviously he didn't do this but it seems to indicate that there was no floor to the ride but some sort of rail you were supposed to keep your feet onto.

Also the straps, I believe that his waste strap was affixed across the girth of his stomach which meant it was way too loose and so he slid down during the ride but probably wouldn't have fallen out unless he raised his arms in the air at the right time and slid all the way out. The waste strap probably should have been strapped on underneath his belly so that the belly would have provided resistance and also it could have been tightly fitted enough to keep him strapped into the seat.

Ultimately it's the fault of whoever strapped him in probably sum fucked up shroom eating carny not wanting to lift up his fat belly.