facebook suing maxbounty?

Where's the maxbounty guy that's always on here talkin a big game? Wise not to comment...
Yeah, I'm here and have been reading the thread with interest. Reading a whole lot of blogs for opinions and thoughts as well. Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to discuss anything related to the case, so you won't get a comment from me on the issue beyond the e-mail that was sent out to our pubs and merchants.

Oh yea, they can't lose. I forgot that the affiliate marketing world is an alternate reality untouchable by silly laws and business ethics legal issues. Becasue it is logical to a 19 year old internet mogul that a network providing assets to a contracted agent/reseller shouldn't have to be liable for that agent/resellers illegal actions or fraudulent business practices makes it somehow true.

The "welcome to the interwebs" excuse won't work this time around.

Someone gets it :bowdown:

Seriously I don't know how you guys can think MB couldn't be in a heap of shit over this and having affiliates do the spamming creates some magical barrier for them.

A single piece of evidence that MB knew about the spamming or even should have known about the spamming turns up in discovery they are gonna be in trouble.
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Well, I see that a Max Bounty affiliate has been using FB spam-style promotional methods since at least August, and their latest one hit today. If a network knows about FB affiliate spam and doesn't act on it, does that then make them liable and complicit?

lol i was waiting for this post today - got it too. This really makes me lol since it just hit today and this "lawsuit" is weeks old. Why MB is still allowing it.. who knows.
Yea i agree with what most of you all are saying! Facebook is just trying to get more money just like everyone else...But i dont think they should go after the whole network, just the main person that did the damage! But i guess thats what happens when you deal with huge companies...Its so dumb though...Why would facebook need more money they demolished myspace and are the main social media network out right now. They are just GREEDY!!!!
Facebook is sending a message to all networks. You can't hide behind your affiliates. Police your affiliates or we will go after you too. We all know "some networks" turn a blind eye to how affiliates promote. Same reason why the CAN-SPAM Act mentioned advertisers will be held liable to what their partners and affiliates do(thanks John McCain ;) ).
Yea i agree with what most of you all are saying! Facebook is just trying to get more money just like everyone else...But i dont think they should go after the whole network, just the main person that did the damage! But i guess thats what happens when you deal with huge companies...Its so dumb though...Why would facebook need more money they demolished myspace and are the main social media network out right now. They are just GREEDY!!!!
What?! A corporation wants to make more money?
Yet anbother example of a large company beating on the little man. Lets hope Maxbounty win this one.
Yet anbother example of a large company beating on the little man. Lets hope Maxbounty win this one.

Hahahaha. Large company beating on a little man? Are you god damned serious? Another AMer butthurt that easy money and fraud are actually frowned upon in the real world. Everyone is so afraid that the market with correct and expect legit transactions....
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Ok since everyone is posting without a clue heres the email I got from my AM at MB:

Hello xxx,

It has come to our attention that Facebook has named MaxBounty in a lawsuit. The complaint alleges that certain MaxBounty affiliates have caused Facebook users to "spam" their friends, use Facebook trademarks, and post deceptive offers.

We take these claims seriously. As you know, MaxBounty does not control the content of its affiliates' websites, the style of affiliate campaigns, or where affiliate web pages are hosted. MaxBounty merely acts as a traffic broker and statistical tracking system between affiliates and advertisers. MaxBounty has not "spammed" anyone on Facebook.

Facebook's allegations in the complaint are inaccurate. Regardless, we have every intention of cooperating with Facebook, to the extent possible, to ensure that all applicable laws and Facebook rules and are complied with. MaxBounty has a reputation of not allowing spam or deceptive advertising practices by its affiliates on social websites. In the past, we have removed affiliates from our network who had engaged in such unacceptable campaigns.

We expect this matter will be resolved promptly, amicably, and without any disruption to MaxBounty's business for advertisers or affiliates.

Pretty cut and dry, there were a few people who are going to get fucked for raking in money doing shit in the grey area.
So Company A allows Company B to distribute their product. Company B then creates false advertising in order to take advantage of consumers, is Company A liable? Probably not. Is Company B liable? Definitely.

Unless Facebook can prove that Company B = Company A, they're fucked.

Case closed.

I suppose if Company A sold axes, and Company B was a convicted axe murderer there might be a case in there somewhere. But MaxBounty does more due diligence than most networks before handing out accounts.
I have been running with MB for a while now and I have to say from what I know they are pretty legit. I think anyone on here knows what a few bad AMs can do to a network's reputation and there have been other situations on MB that have affected me. For instance shady pubs refusing to pay out for bullshit reasons (or because there was one tard spamming it on CL) and still maxbounty paid me.

The network is legit and Facebook knows it, I think they are just letting the industry know they aren't going to get dicked around and making an example forcing everyone to screen their AMs a little more carefully.
I have been running with MB for a while now and I have to say from what I know they are pretty legit. I think anyone on here knows what a few bad AMs can do to a network's reputation and there have been other situations on MB that have affected me. For instance shady pubs refusing to pay out for bullshit reasons (or because there was one tard spamming it on CL) and still maxbounty paid me.

The network is legit and Facebook knows it, I think they are just letting the industry know they aren't going to get dicked around and making an example forcing everyone to screen their AMs a little more carefully.

Might I say that you have the most refreshing Avatar ever.
Might I say that you have the most refreshing Avatar ever.

Thank you, I have gotten a few compliments on it. The best part is crawling into bed with her every night, I dont know how my girl puts up with me :rasta: