Facebook seo

How do you feel about the possibility of a facebook search engine

  • mo money

    Votes: 59 58.4%
  • mo problems

    Votes: 31 30.7%
  • Scared

    Votes: 11 10.9%

  • Total voters

Good share here...I enjoyed reading it.

Will be interesting to see what unravels, but I have a hard time at the moment seeing Facebook having a search as good as big G. But you never know, and it will be utterly ridiculous if Facebook can control the biggest share of social media users as well as a big piece of the search pie as well. Now that is world domination and that scares me.
Yeah it's for sure not something we need to worry about today or tomorrow. But I like to try and stay a few steps ahead and prepare for the inevitable. I would like to hear some more opinions on the likelihood of this or something like this actually happening.
That is really interesting. So let me get this straight Google is trying to enter the social space and the Facebook is trying to become a search engine as well? Haha gotta love the tech companies.

But with sucha bigass user base it definitely makes sense for facebook to enter the search space and as he mentioned in the post become the ultimate homepage since people login to facebook everyday in any case.
I actually wrote a blog post about this like a year ago addressing this.

Facebook can easily enter the search market but the problem comes down to their ability to sift through the garbage. Facebook will have to throw billions into their search business to compete with google. The problem is FB hasn't been very good at deviating at what they do best, Facebook.

I think fb has the power to strongly compete and take a large portion of search marketshare 10-15% relatively quickly from a marketing perspective. The issue is do they want to tackle one of the largest tech companies in the world or go after more low hanging fruit first?
I just don't see Facebook having a search engine that people will use and rely on even close to Google. I see them delivering some pretty crappy results to their users, but maybe that will be good for you IM scammers out there :)
Just like Google is taking the social sharing, G+ votes and such stuff into consideration lately, as they mentioned in the strategy, Facebook too might take the FB likes and shares in a big way. And I am not able to get it, how would a social network search be called so important when compared to something like Google, Live etc.
There is no way they gonna be able to complete google when it comes to search engine.
I am assuming facebook might team up with Bing.
There is no way they gonna be able to complete google when it comes to search engine.
I am assuming facebook might team up with Bing.

That would be the biggest mistake FB would do.. although the signs are almost what you are assuming. Search in fb and you would see a few search results taking the source of Bing.
I doing really well with google right now, panda or no panda, and all my LOCAL clients are at at the top or close. So I am a little scared of the possibility of having to learn to game a new system. But there is also opportunity there. I think the chances of this happening are pretty good. The idea that search would be based on what your groups and connections are doing would actually be very benificial to the end user. In the end this could lead to a huge shift in seo. If Facebook somehow figures out a way to do this then you know google will be making serious changes to it's algo, which is never good. The idea that google now has a somewhat decent social platform definitely points this way.

Anyways only time will tell. Thanks for all the good comments, back to work.
Google have spent years and billions perfecting relevant search results, will be a tough one to compete with, and likewise g+ is going to struggle against fb.
I have a large fb page for sale, 114k fans growing fast.
Pm me if interested
Facebook really thinks they can compete in the search engine market? I just can't see them really going anywhere with this. I can imagine it offering a hosting ground for a lot of spammers just like someone mentioned.
my logic here is that google must be slightly concerned that Facebook is going to make a run at what google does best, search, because they are going after what facebook does best: social. If the threat of Facebook search didn't bother google at all I dont think they would even be thinking about the social arena. Thats just my feelings? Anyone else agree with this logic? Disagree? Let me know