Facebook Reps

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Do reps ever follow up accounts that fall overdue?

I was reading on DP a guy in the UK who owed facebook 4k and no one has ever followed it up with him?

If you owe them money they automatically charge your cards. If any of the cards fail, they charge the subsequent card in your billing info until they get their money. If none of your cards work your accounts freeze and all campaigns are auto-paused.

Not sure what happens after that, I've always paid.
If you owe them money they automatically charge your cards. If any of the cards fail, they charge the subsequent card in your billing info until they get their money. If none of your cards work your accounts freeze and all campaigns are auto-paused.

Not sure what happens after that, I've always paid.

My personal account has a whopping $20 that is overdue. I've even contacted my facebook rep about trying to pay this and he just blew it off like no big deal. With that being said, I have no intention of paying it.
Well and I think if they did go after someone for unpaid bills, especially if the bills were accumulated before the conversion of Facebook Flyers Pro to Facebook Ads, they would have a legal battle on their hands.

They still could have one actually for retroactively ripping people off.

Their terms of service was like a siv back then. You didn't sign any contract and you were given false terms.

I have a lot of screenshots of the tos and stuff just in case they tried to collect from me.

It was a joke when it was Facebook Flyers Pro.
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