Facebook Reps

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New member
Mar 28, 2008
London, Ontario
Hey guys, for those of you who have Facebook reps, I have a couple of questions for you.

1) How long do they usually take to answer a question for you (mine's going on 1 week now)

2) Do you find the benefits of a rep outweighs the constant eyeballs on your shit?

I wonder if it's harder to 'sneak' restricted content (google cash, government grants, etc) through now that you have someone watching your account?

Never had an issue with my rep eye balling my shit. In fact, I'm running something that's technically against the TOS and its been running for weeks.

The rep usually gets back to me the same day, if not the next.
Never had a problem with my rep. We were in the same class at college, he's a great guy and is always looking out for me. He usually gets back to me within a day. If you want, PM your reps name and I'll email my rep to see wtf is going on.

In response to your number 2, the sales reps are on our side. They get a commission off our spend so they're all about having you spend as much as possible. They would help us get ads through, but they're completely separate from the ad approval or disapproval team. I think they're in separate buildings and from what I've heard they hate each other with a passion because the only thing standing between a huge payday and the sales reps is the ad disapproval team.
here's a benefit that no one mentioned:

you are one of the first one's to know when hundreds of your ads are deleted for another daily "change of policy"
I've talked to my rep a few times, I just want him to tell me why my ads are disapproved, he keeps saying he'll get to it, and he does get back to me but not about my ads, only other questions I ask him.
Never had a problem with my rep. We were in the same class at college, he's a great guy and is always looking out for me. He usually gets back to me within a day. If you want, PM your reps name and I'll email my rep to see wtf is going on.

In response to your number 2, the sales reps are on our side. They get a commission off our spend so they're all about having you spend as much as possible. They would help us get ads through, but they're completely separate from the ad approval or disapproval team. I think they're in separate buildings and from what I've heard they hate each other with a passion because the only thing standing between a huge payday and the sales reps is the ad disapproval team.
That's completely incorrect, my rep told me she can approve my ads if they got disapproved(as long as they comply with TOS)
That's completely incorrect, my rep told me she can approve my ads if they got disapproved(as long as they comply with TOS)

So has she ever done it before? If so, let's hear someone else back it up and I'm going to go jump down my reps throat for not hooking me up the same way. I, along with some of what you might call wf bigshots have sat down with reps face to face and they said they have no pull in the ad approval dept, that it is run by a different branch of fbook.

Now granted, I've only been spending about $5k a day so you might say I don't qualify as a super affiliate in their eyes. After speaking with friends, who have been spending over $20k a day since the self-help ad system came into place, they've all said the same thing - separate teams, separate divisions, opposing goals at fbook.

In terms of offers that comply with fbooks TOS, does anyone run these on fbook and are they profitable?
If you get a good rep they can help you a lot. I'll let the myths continue of what they can and can't do

If you get a shit rep, all they can do is increase your daily budget, and they possibly might screw you over and talk about your campaigns to other advertisers. Since they are they a paid a decent % through commissions they are basically in the same spot as affiliate managers, however they can see everything.
To clarify, all a rep can do is approve ads that have been disapproved by mistake- they obviously can't do anything that would go against the ad guidelines. However, they do definitely have the ability to approve and disapprove ads.
How do you know if you have a rep? lol

I've been emailing a "rep" from FB and he has been helping me w/ limit increase, payments, etc - does that mean he's my rep? (serious question, just confused because it doesn't list it as being my account rep anywhere)

If that means he's my rep, then I hear back from him in less than 24 hours (or have in the past week (as long as I've been in contact with him)) always
Yes, if they raised your limit they're your rep(and get commission on your spend).
My rep also replies in 24 hours or less every time.
My facebook rep has told me they cannot approved disapproved ads. They can put in a request to customer operations and get a response for me. Which they did for me today. However, the ads were still not approved due to "inappropriate content" on the landing page.

I asked my rep if they were paid based on their affiliates amount of spending. His reply was, "[FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Not exactly. We are an ad sales team, so we are compensated based on a team goal."[/FONT]
My facebook rep has told me they cannot approved disapproved ads. [FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial][/FONT]

not true, they have retroactively approved my ads after dissaproval...they only do it if its a bunch of ads and its obviously following all the guidelines...and it doesnt hurt if you spend many thousands per day
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