Facebook is now boring as per regular users ... I told you

Can't a guy find a woman attractive these days without getting shit from women?? Smh

I don't know why I like looking at half naked girls on instagram OK!!!!!

Someday there be some type of foundation to help people like me.

Moving on.....

Anyways, In the beginning, facebook simulated "social" interactions well. That's what made it fun.

But as they started adding features that make stalking too easy, nobody is really socializing anymore. I just sit there debating if I should post this comment, article, that isn't PC. I no longer feel I can just post anything.

The other day I "liked" a bikini pic some chick posted while she's on a holiday.
So everyone who is my friend sees her picture. Even my friends who aren't friends with her see the picture I liked.

This started a god damn shit storm with all my female friends. I can care less what people think. But it seems Facebook forces people to stalk.
Moving on.....

Anyways, In the beginning, facebook simulated "social" interactions well. That's what made it fun.

But as they started adding features that make stalking too easy, nobody is really socializing anymore. I just sit there debating if I should post this comment, article, that isn't PC. I no longer feel I can just post anything.

The other day I "liked" a bikini pic some chick posted while she's on a holiday.
So everyone who is my friend sees her picture. Even my friends who aren't friends with her see the picture I liked.

This started a god damn shit storm with all my female friends. I can care less what people think. But it seems Facebook forces people to stalk.

Lol you trekkie fuck I totally agree with you. Facebook is no longer cool, it's become a necessity in people's lives.

"You never invited me to your party last weekend?!"
"I sent you an invite to the event on Facebook"
"I don't check my Facebook"

Good bye sweet social life.

I do think people are clammoring for another option though. Something that only their friends are on, and they can post freely without their aunt seeing the penis joke they just posted. I hope Path comes up and takes some market share from Facebook.